Click the target marketing picture to the right and watch the video.
Respond with a comment/answers to the questions below:
1. What do you think the presenter means by the term media?
2. Give me an example of when you think you have been target marketed to?
3. If you had a business on Salem St. downtown how would you market to the local citizens of Apex?
1. What do you think the presenter means by the term media?
Using TV, radio, news, and other ways to reach a massive market with one advertisement.
2. Give me an example of when you think you have been target marketed to?
While watching Comedy Central the trailer for Step Brothers came on. The promoters for Step Brothers chose to put their trailer on Comedy Central because people watching would be interested in something that looked funny.
3. If you had a business on Salem St. downtown how would you market to the local citizens of Apex?
I'd hang flyers on people's doorknobs or mailboxes, post ads in local newspapers, and try to get spots in the announcements at the high school (i.e. if I owned a pizzeria, I'd want to make an announcement saying any person wearing Apex apparel gets 50% off a large pizza on game nights).
1. Using televison ads, or the radio to market product you are trying to sell.
2. When cell phone companies use flashy things to get people to purchase them.
3. I would start a business that appealed to High school students, because they tend to pass by that are the most to get to school, and other local areas.
1. When the presenter said media I think she meant TV, magazines, the internet, and all other ways to advertise.
2. I have been target marketed to when there is an ad for a clothing store that they say would be perfect for teenage girls.
3. If I had a business in downtown I would market the local citizens of Apex by advertising in the Apex Herald and other local media.
1. When she says media she means poparatzi or people who know alot about the subject or article.
2. I was target marketed when i buy magazines or newspapaer and read about what famous people have been up too.
3. I would sell cougar sports ware or apex items along with the salem sports ware so they would be attracted aswell.
1. the presenter means news papers, magazines, telovision.
2. I have been a target market for hockey equiptment. I vave opened magazines and gone places where i see advertisments for hockey stuff.
3. i would advertise in the apex herald news paper to tell the locals about my store/resturant.
1.that the producers buy spots on magaczines or commercials on tv to advertise their product
2.all my life because advertisments have been though out time trying to get u to buy the product.
3.Maybe like give a discount to people that go to apex high school like 10% off what ever they buy so that i can give back to the community for doing bussness with me. or get product that target mutiple age group and economy level
1. I think she meant the people who are trying to target us into buying a sertain good or service.
2. Soccer material, like the right shoes, or shin guards.
3. I would post signs, have ads in the newspaper, put little slips of paper on the nearbuy neighborhoods mailboxes, and have a large sign at my new store.
1.People attempting to persuade us into buying a certain thing
2.Various tennis stuff that I've bought
3.Newspaper and on Apexnc.com since its local
1. When the presenter used the term media, she was describing the promotion stradegy like the use of TV, radio, magazines, and all other ways to advertise.
2. I have been target marketed by the restraunt O'Charleys via email. They keep sending me coupons and events that are happening trying to promote me to go there to eat more.
3. If I had a business in downtown Apex i would promote it by making a local commercial. Also I would put my grand opening date and sales in the local newspaper so all the citizens of Apex will read about my store and come and check it out.
1. term media- the different types of media.
2. while watching espn many commercials dealing with sports gear or products come up.
3. i might put adds in the local news paper or in local shops around the area.
1.Any form of advertisement
2.When I see the same ads on the tv channels that i watch.
3.I would market with signs outside of the shop and ads in the local newspaper or coupon books
1. The presenter meant the term media by reffering to the types of entartainment around us everyday. These include magazines, television, movies, and video games.
2. I have been target marketed to sports (specifically swimming) products because I receive magazines from those types of companies. They are advertising to things that fit my lifestyle.
3. If I had a business in downtown Apex, I'd be sure to market at all of the local festivals. I would post flyers in many public places convincing people to shop in my store.
1. The presenter is talking about news papers, magazines, television, and internet
2. I am target marketed when I am looking for new hockey equipment. Advertisers put big hockey stars to represent their product to make it more apealing to customers
3. Yes I would market to the local citizens because local citizens are really the only potential customers that i will recieve. Other people arent going to drive a long distance just to come to my buinsess so it is important to market to those that can reach my business without hassle
1.She means magazines,tv,movies,and the internet as media.
2.I think i was targeted when I was young with the ads for cereals with cartoon characters in them.
3.I would put out ads in the newspaper and put fliers around town.
1. She means media when she is saying that things are advertised through the media.
2. I have been target marketed to when a sports comany comes out with new basketball shoes which intrests me.
3. I would market whatever intrests the people in that particular area.
1. I think the presenter means that term media is the specific time slots producers buy for target marketing.
2. Sports products while watching sporting events on espn.
3. I would put a sign outside my buisness, an ad in the phone book, and an ad in the newspaper.
1. A way for people to advertise their company's products to people.
2. Ads on Facebook
3. I would have a sign on the street advertising to people about things going on in my business. Maybe make a website so people can to go to see my business.
1. The presenter means the TV we watch and the magazines and how companies can market to us.
2. When I watch TV the commercials seem like they were tailored for me.
3. I would use the paper and make a website.
1. she means magazines, tv, movies, internet as media
2. advertisments in sports illustrated that are sport related
3. I would post fliers and by ads in local newspapers, try to fulfill the needs of the certain customers in Apex
1.The presenter means, television, magazines, news, radio.
2. I play lacrosse so all the time i get random magazines in the mail that advertize products.
3. If i had a business in downtown i would put up signs and posters. i would also send ads to the people that live in apex.
1. The presenter means ways for businesses to advertise their products.
2. Ads on facebook
3. I'd use the newspaper, flyers and maybe local TV commercials.
1. I think the presenter means that media is when and how you get the information of your product out to a target market.
2. I have been a part of a target market when new video games come out at GameStop like Halo or Call of Duty.
3. If I had a business on Salem St. then I would market to the local citizens by having a convenience goods store. I would get info about my store out in newspapers mostly but sometimes I will try to run a commercial ad.
1. By media, I think she means how you advertise the product. Tv, radio, etc. The media is how a wide range of people see the items they need/want.
2. As a teenager, I have been exposed to multiple target markets. Everyday we are involved with some kind of media market. Whether it's buying lunch or watching tv. Markets try and reach out to teenagers to create brand loyalty while there still young.
3. Depending on what I was trying to market or sell, I would use advertising. Downtown Apex is known mostly to locals. Your product would have to appeal to a wide range of people, and coordinate with the other shops in downtown. In places where there are other shops, people come to browse, and your product would need to sell itself.
1. What do you think the presenter means by the term media?
media-the avenues through which messages are delivered; also know as channels.
She prob's mean different type of media such as magazines.
2. Give me an example of when you think you have been target marketed to?
I have been target marketed at when I read certain articles in a magazine about sports and for instance....an athletic drink such as gatorade.
3. If you had a business on Salem St. downtown how would you market to the local citizens of Apex?
I would have tv commercial, and local magazine & newspaper articles explaining about my business and what it offers.
1. She means telivison, radio, newspaper, and other sorts of ads.
2. An example is when i played on a hockey team and the owner of the hockey rink was trying to get us to buy jerseys from them to represent his sports establishment.
3. Ads through local televison, radio, newspapers, flyers, signs, and also ads online.
1. when the presenter says midi she means things like telivision, magizenes, and the internet.
2. I feel that i am target marketed every time i see an add for dicks sporting goods or a shoe store becasuse it makes me want to go out and by stuff.
3. if i had a buisness ion salm street i would make it a nice family store for a small town
1. What do you think the presenter means by the term media?
Everything that is in today’s limelight such as TV, Internet, Magazines, etc.
2. Give me an example of when you think you have been target marketed to?
When you are watching TV or fill out online surveys.
3. If you had a business on Salem St. downtown how would you market to the local citizens of Apex?
I would advertise through the internet using Google AdWords or through the local paper. I would also creating a website for the business. Another helpful thing is to create accounts on social networking sites such as facebook and twitter to keep your customers informed.
1.When she sais media, she is talking about magezines, televison,and the internet.
2.I feel I am target marketed when I see one of those clothe commercials aboout polo cause that makes me want to go get it.
3. If I had a business down on Salem street I would open up a beuty salon because their isn't one down there and I have heard some girls say that they would like one down there.
1. The methods you use to market your business.
2. When Im playing in a soccer tournament different sales people come up to our team and let us try on new cleats and see if we want to buy them
1. The way that companies advertise and promote their products.
2. When a commerical about back to school savings is shown in July.
3. By commercials and local bilboards.
1. advertsiments or promotions for a product
2. colleges send information to me because im in high school
3. put ads in the local paper or flyers up around town
1. I think she means different ways that you can advertise
2. Shoes
3. Newspaper and signs throughout apex
Collin Hardee
1) ways to get word out about a product through advertising like commercials or ads. ways to target a certain type of people.
2) when i see ads on the internet that show new clothes from a favorite brand of mine.
3) you could put fliers around Apex or put ads in the newspaper that Apex citizens get or even air commercials that Apex people see.
1. what you do to market your product (tv, radio, magazine)
2. commmercials for movies
3. ads in the local newspaper
1. Any form of advertising a certain business to promote a specific product or service.
2. Listening to the radio they advertise famous bands that have an upcoming concert nearby.
3. Using the newspaper because it is cheap and targets a specific geographic area.
1) I think she means thst there are many ways to promote, market, and suceed in the marketing business
2)I think I have been target marketed to through forms of ads for video games, sports items, and other things that are appealing to my age
3)I would probably put up signs, put a commercial on the local news, and put flyers around Apex advertising my store
1. The methods people use in marketing their business.
2. When Im playing in a soccer tournament different people come up to our team and let us try on cleats and see if we want to buy them.
3. I would put up signs all over the town not just near my business and put up ads in the newspaper.
1. television, magazines, newspapers, radio.
2. while watching a commercial for a movie on t.v.
3.i would put it in the town newspaper, make fliers, spread the word around to freinds and family.
1.I think presenter means the person that is making the effort to try to get you to buy their goods.
2. On the internet when it says related searches and asks me if i want to go to other lacrosse websites.
3. I would put my adds in the paper and on the internet.
1: the people on tv radio newpaper, etc, anything you get information that you didnt find out yourself.
2: at dicks sprting goods when i was wearing my baseball shirt the guy pointed out and was helping me find new baseball stuff
3:by putting things there that would appeal anyone
1.Radio and TV commercials are ways you can promote a certain product or service. This allows the people who are selling their product to pick their target market.
2.When i am watching tv and a commercial comes on for my favorite restraunt and it makes me want to go and eat there.
3. I would put flyers around downtown apex and maybe even around the schools if i was trying to target high school students if i owned a restraunt because they could come eat there at lunch.
1. I think the presenter means how are the marketers getting the information across (TV, newspaper, etc.).
2. I think I have been target marketed to baseball related items (apparel, equipment, etc.).
3. If I had a business on Salem St. downtown, I would probably place ads in the local newspaper in order to market to local citizens.
1. The term media means the advertising ways to promote a product, such as radio, tv, magazine, etc.
2. I have been target marketed to at the grocery store, expecially when I was a kid. There were commercials for many products, a convienant place to purchase the product, and a decent price for my parents.
3. I would post advertisments around Apex with signs, flyers, and banners. I would also try commercials and have friends talk about my new business.
1. The methods you use to market your business or product.
2. When I am playing basketball in a tournament different sponders come up to our team and ask us to try on their product and see if we will buy it.
3. I would put an ad out or I would try to put it in the local news paper.
1. everybody
2. food
3.a billboard or flyers
1.The way a producer voices their product threw commercails or other forms of advertisment.
2.I've been targeted when I pick up something about teens or watched somthing on tv.
3. To advertise yourself in a local town get into the local newsletter.
1.Advertisments and targeting your audience.
2. I think I have been target marketed when I have been watching tv because I always see ads of products that would interest me.
3. I would market my business by posting advertisment and flyers all around Apex targeting my audience.
1. Term media means advertisments that are geared towards a specific age group or group with similiar intrests.
2. When I watch channels like TBS they sell videos of older TBS shows which any TBS fan would want.
3. I would put adds in peoples mailboxes and in the local paper.
1. I think she means ways of spreading information to the customers, like T.V., radio, newspaper, ect.
2. I have been asked to take a survey about food at a grocery store before.
3. I would use local radio, newspaper, or maybe even a commercial to market.
1.The promtion of selling a food.
2. walkin through the mall and one of the side store ask me if i wan to try their product.
3.the internet
1.)I think the presenter ment that there several ways to promote and market a good or service
2.)When I play AAU Basketball you get flyers asking to enter specifice tournments and buy certain clothing for a cheap price.
3.)I would hold sales and advertise to meet their needs.
1. Any type of advertising for a business of a specific good or service that promotes their products.
2. When watching my favorite sports shows, advertisers target market people like me by showings ads for important events or high-stake games that will be show on TV.
3. I would market to the consumers of Apex by the News and Observer because it targets people in the same area as the business.
1.Different types of ways to promote there product by putting their advertisements in things were intrested in.
2. I have been target marketing when watching tv and i see an advertisement to stay above the influence and don't do drugs.
3.I would first see what my customers are intrested in and then base my advertisements and business off of that.
1. I think the term media used by the presenter meant the type of marketing stratagy used to promote products to people.
2. I have been target marketed to when different places have school supplies on sale and I have to buy them for school.
3. If I had a business on Salem Street I market by putting up advertisements in the local newspaper
1. The methods you use to market your business or product.
2. when nike puts an ad on tv and it reminds me to go to nikes website and make me a shoe
3. I would put an ad out or I would try to put it in the local news paper.
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