Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Papa John's Entrepreneurial Spirt

Read the press release below and answer the questions as comment posts.

Super Bowl, Super Offer: Papa John's to Give America Free Pizza If Super Bowl XLV Goes into Overtime

First Super Bowl to be Played Under New Postseason Overtime Rules May Be First to Deliver Free Pizza

Dallas Cowboys Wide Receiver Miles Austin Serves as Spokesperson

LOUISVILLE, Ky.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- No Super Bowl has ever gone into overtime. And no pizza company has ever called such a bold play: Papa John's, the Official Pizza of the NFL and Super Bowl XLV, announced today that it is offering a free large pizza to everyone in America if Super Bowl XLV, to be played on Feb. 6 in North Texas, goes into overtime.

"The Super Bowl is the largest stage in all of sports, and being the Official Pizza Sponsor of Super Bowl XLV, there's no better event or day to serve as a platform for our largest offer ever," said Andrew Varga, Papa John's chief marketing officer. "We're going to be working overtime Super Bowl Sunday to make sure our customers have a great day with the highest-quality pizza, and we're hoping for an unprecedented overtime so that we can deliver on this offer for America."

To be eligible for a free large, up to three-topping pizza if Super Bowl XLV goes into overtime, all consumers need to do is register for Papa John's online customer loyalty program, Papa Points, at any time now until 11:59 pm ET Saturday, Feb. 5, 2011. Then if Super Bowl XLV goes into overtime, the free pizza will be awarded to all Papa Points enrollees Monday, Feb. 7 in the form of 25 Papa Points — the amount of points needed to redeem a large up to three-topping pizza. Consumers can redeem the 25 Papa Points for the free pizza anytime through June 30, 2011.

Overtime has more significance than ever this postseason. Prior to the 2010 season, the NFL adopted a modified sudden death format only for the postseason. Each team now has the opportunity to possess the ball at least once in the extra quarter unless the team that receives the overtime kickoff scores a touchdown on its first possession.

Papa John's fan and Dallas Cowboys wide receiver Miles Austin knows first-hand the excitement of NFL overtime. Austin, who is serving as spokesperson for Papa John's Super Bowl XLV overtime offer, set a Cowboys single-game record of 250 yards receiving in his first NFL start ever in 2009, including a 60-yard touchdown reception in overtime to beat Kansas City.

"As a Dallas Cowboy I know everything is bigger in Texas, and this offer certainly fits that criteria. I'll be leading the cheers for Super Bowl XLV to go in overtime, so I can win a free large, three-topping pizza from Papa John's along with everyone in America," Austin said.

A total of 27 postseason NFL games have gone into overtime, starting with the 1958 NFL Championship. While none of the 10 playoff games this season went into overtime, two post-season games were decided in overtime in 2010, including the NFC Championship when New Orleans defeated Green Bay 31-28 and went on to win Super Bowl XLIV.

Both Green Bay and Pittsburgh have experience in playoff overtimes: Green Bay is 2-3, and Pittsburgh is 2-2 in postseason overtime games.

Papa John's is the only national pizza chain to offer a customer loyalty program. Once registered in Papa Points at, customers earn one point for every $5 spent online. When customers accumulate 25 points, they receive a promo code for free pizza with an online purchase from Papa John's. It's that simple.

Papa John's is in the first year of a multi-year sponsorship with the NFL and Papa John's is also the Official Pizza of the Arizona Cardinals, Atlanta Falcons, Baltimore Ravens, Dallas Cowboys, Houston Texans, Indianapolis Colts, Miami Dolphins, New York Giants, New York Jets, Philadelphia Eagles, Seattle Seahawks, St. Louis Rams, Tennessee Titans and Washington Redskins.

Headquartered in Louisville, Kentucky, Papa John's International, Inc. (NASDAQ: PZZA) is the world's third largest pizza company. For 10 of the past 11 years, consumers have rated Papa John's No. 1 in customer satisfaction among all national pizza chains in the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI). Papa John's also was honored by Restaurants & Institutions Magazine (R&I) with the 2009 Gold Award for Consumers' Choice in Chains in the pizza segment. Papa John's is the Official Pizza Sponsor of the National Football League and Super Bowl XLV, XLVI and XLVII. For more information about the company or to order pizza online, visit Papa John's at

© 2011 NFL Properties LLC. Team names/logos/indicia are trademarks of the teams indicated. All other NFL-related trademarks are trademarks of the National Football League.

Miles Austin's participation was scheduled by NFL PLAYERS, the marketing and licensing subsidiary of the NFL Players Association.

Papa John's International, Inc.
Tish Muldoon, 502-261-4987
Senior Director, Public Relations

Source: Papa John's International, Inc.

News Provided by Acquire Media

1. Do you think this is an example of a business/person being Entrepreneurial?  Explain your answer!!!

2. What are the potential risks for Papa John's with this promotion?

3. Is this promotion an example of mass marketing or target marketing?   Explain your answer!!

4. Lastly give your opinion on whether you think this is a good marketing technique or not?


drew hartquist said...

1. yes, they are risking the chance of the game going into overtime to advertize the pizza.
2. they will lose profit if it goes into overtime.
3. Mass marketing
4. i think it is a good marketing technique because it has never been done before and it promotes there company.

Grant Waters said...

1) I think that this is a business being entrepreneurial because they are taking a risk to try and promote their business

2) Potential risks are huge loss of profit

3) Mass marketing because it applies to everyone in America and not just a specific market

4) I think that this is a good marketing technique

Chad said...

1. Yes because no body has ever thought of doing something as bold as this.
2.Papa John's would lose a lot of money by giving a free pizza to everyone that asks for one.
3. Mass marketing because they advertise that they will give everyone a pizza not just a certain group of people.
4. I think it is a good marketing technique because it gives everyone that hasn't tried a Papa John's pizza a chance to try it and it would potentially grab more customers.

Taylor Welsh said...

1. Yes, because he his getting his business out and also is putting out promotions.
2. They may lose a lot of money if the game does go into overtime.
3. Mass marketing because it applies to every family in America.
4. I think it is a very good marketing technique because if the game does go in OT then every family in america will have the chance to experience your product for free.

Demdem Ogunnowo said...

1. Do you think this is an example of a business/person being Entrepreneurial? Explain your answer!!!

Yes, because entrepenurs come up with new business ideas, and techniques.

2. What are the potential risks for Papa John's with this promotion?

They might be losing money, instead of making any. They may be promoting, but its probably not enough to cover all of America getting a pizza.

3. Is this promotion an example of mass marketing or target marketing? Explain your answer!!

Mass Marketing, because they are not targeting one group of people they are going after everyone.

4. Lastly give your opinion on whether you think this is a good marketing technique or not?

Its a good/ bad one because they may be promoting themselves, but its a risky.

Jake Fredenburg said...

1. I do think that the business is being Entrepreneurial because no business has ever done this be for.
2. Potential risks may include major losses because too many people sign up.
3. This promotion is an example of mass marketing because a lot of people watch the Super Bowl
4. I think this is a good marketing technique it gives a chance for potertial consumers to taste the pizza without having to buy it.

Cam Haney said...

1. Yes because he is getting his business known by giving out free pizza.
2. The game could go into overtime and they could loose alot of money.
3. Mass marketing because it is advertised to everybody because tons of people watch the super bowl.
4. No because the risk is not worth it.

Marisa Warren said...

1. I do think that this is an examply of being an ectrepreneurial because they are risking a lot if the Super Bowl were to go into over time. They are also risking a lot of money by saying that they will give away free pizzas because if the Super Bowl had gone into over time then a lot of people would of expected Papa John's to hold up their end of the bargin.
2. A risk could be that Papa John's looses a lot more money that then had thought they would, or also people say that Papa John's did not hold up their end of the bargin.
3. This is an example of mass marketing because they are going to anyone watching the Super Bowl. Since a lot of people watch this game from all over the world there isn't really a specific target group.
4. I believe that this could be a good marketing technique because never in history has a Super Bowl gone into overtime, so therefore I believe that since Papa John's thought this could of been such a huge game they would risk losing pizza so that people would get to try their pizza and be impressed.

Keenan Cozzolino said...

1. Do you think this is an example of a business/person being Entrepreneurial? Explain your answer!!!

Yes. The marketing director is taking a huge risk to help his company flourish.

2. What are the potential risks for Papa John's with this promotion?

If the game actually goes into overtime, the company will be giving away a lot of free pizza, meaning their profit margin will dramatically decrease.

3. Is this promotion an example of mass marketing or target marketing? Explain your answer!!

In a way it is both. It's mass marketing because it isn't targeted at a specific group. It's target marketing because it involves the super bowl. However, if someone isn't a fan of football, they can still sign up and receive the free pizza. That is where I see it as mass marketing.

4. Lastly give your opinion on whether you think this is a good marketing technique or not?

At first I was skeptical. I thought they were going to give out the free pizzas all at once. Once I read that registerees would receive points to buy the pizza with, I started to understand it better. I do believe it is a great way to build business, however it is a huge risk for a business to take.

Jordan Dean said...

1. I do think that this is an example of Papa John's being Entrepreneurial. They are trying to be not just a regular pizza company but the official pizza of football. They are also hoping with this offer that they will become the number one pizza and not be number three.

2. The potential risks for Papa John's with this promotion is that people who have never tried there pizza before sign up for this and then they end up getting a bad pizza and never try Papa John's again. Another risk is that the game does go into overtime and a lot of people signed up they might end up losing a good amount of money.

3. I think that this is an example of target marketing. If people don't care about football and the ads are only about the Superbowl then people who don't like football won't care, and won't sign up.

4. I think this is a good marketing technique because they are getting their name out there in a big way. Everyone loves free stuff, so if they here the word free on a commercial they are more likely to pay attention.

nick said...

1. I think personal Entrepreneurial
2.They could loss all profits from giving away that much or they could go out of bussniess either one
3.This is an example of mass marketing becouse it does not look at any one facters it is who ever logs on during the superbowl so it is giving everyone the product no just one or two groups
4.i think it would be a good becaouse the fact is doing this gets more people to try your product and from the arcticle a lot of people likes papa johns so you might get more costumers then you araganly had

Mitch DeForest said...

1. yes, papa johns is taking the risk of the super bowl going into overtime and putting up the money to finance such a risk.
2. if the super bowl does go into overtime, then pap john's must stand by its arangment and give the free large pizzas to its customers.
3. mass marketing, this promotion does not break to market up into smaller grourps. everyone is targeted.
fo ri big company like papajohns this is a good marketing technique. the chances of the suyper bowl going into overtime are slim, but if so papa johns would have no problem delivering is agreement. and it will promote their pizza very well. for a smaller company this would be a very risky move.

Alyssa Sanchez said...

1. In a small way, it is being entrepreneurial. They are doing something that no other company is doing, by offering free delivery. Papa John's offers things that no other pizza company has done, or is willing to do.

2. Papa John's could lose a lot of money. When you pay for your pizza, not only are you paying for the ingredients and the manual labor used to make the pizza, but also the gas for delivery and the task of actually delivering the pizza to your front door. They would have to up the asking price for pizza in order to recover from losing delivery charges.

3. Papa John's targets a large range of people, and by using the NFL to market the pizza, they are narrowing down the target market. But because of how many people the NFL and Papa John's attracts, it doesn't matter what people they target specifically. So I would call this promotion a mass market.

4. I think this is a very good marketing technique. Not only will it get people to tune into the Super Bowl and watch, waiting to see if the game will go into overtime, but it will also get people to see what Papa John's has to offer, and allows them the chance to market to a wider range of people. It doesn't matter who the person is, because by nature, when someone hear's something is for free, they will want to listen up.

Thomas Schmedding said...

1. I believe this is an example of a business being Entrepreneurial because Papa Johns is the first national pizza chain to offer a customer loyalty program. By doing this, they set the standard for future chains.
2.The potential risks Papa Johns faces are having to give a pizza to everyone if the Super Bowl goes into overtime. Obviouslly, that would loose the company a huge chunk of change.
3. This is an example of mass marketing because they are offering everyone in America a free pizza if the game goes into overtime. They do not divide the promotion into smaller groups.
4. I think this is a great marketing technique because it gets your name out on a widespread level while banking on the fact that something extremely rare will happen. If the Super Bowl has never gone into overtime, what makes it any more likely that it will this year.

Paige Reckert said...

1. Do you think this is an example of a business/person being Entrepreneurial? Explain your answer!!!

Yes, Papa Johns is taking the risk of having to supply people with free pizza's if the game goes into overtime.

2. What are the potential risks for Papa John's with this promotion?

The potential risk is that papa johns has to mass produce so many pizza's for customers and might not be able to do it.

3. Is this promotion an example of mass marketing or target marketing? Explain your answer!!

Mass marketing, because it is open to anyone in North Texas.

4. Lastly give your opinion on whether you think this is a good marketing technique or not?

I think that this was a good market technique because it attracts more customers and it can make them have more profit.

Abraham Osorio said...

1. Yes,because they are risking the chance that the game will go into overtime to advertise the pizza.
2. The risk is that they will lose profit if it goes into overtime.
3. Mass marketing
4. I think its a good marketing tequnique because if it doesnt go into overtime they will get many people who like the pizza to come back to them and want to eat at papa johns.

Austin Gardener said...

1. Do you think this is an example of a business/person being Entrepreneurial? Explain your answer!!!
No I do not, because Papa John’s is already the pizza company of the NFL and the Super-bowl so they have no reason to be entrepreneurial and make the company any larger.

2. What are the potential risks for Papa John's with this promotion?
The super-bowl is the most watched TV event in history; if the game were to go into overtime, there would be millions of Pizza’s being give away without any profit. This would make the company lose a lot of money.

3. Is this promotion an example of mass marketing or target marketing? Explain your answer!!
This is mass marketing because the super-bowl is the biggest sporting event ever.

4. Lastly give your opinion on whether you think this is a good marketing technique or not?
I think that this is a pointless technique because they already sponsor and are the official pizza of the NFL; this promotion would just cause them to lose a ton of money, and give away a lot of pizza.

Billy Summa said...

1. I think that this business is an example of being entrepreneurial because they are promoting their prople to the market.

2. The potential risks for Papa John's is that people will not like their pizza or losing millions of dollars trying to get potential customers

3. This promotion is an example of mass marketing because they are promoting free pizza to people who signed up for the customer loyalty program.

4. I think that this is a good marketing technique because you are giving people free pizza, and trying to attract potential customers.

quentez said... i dont think this shows a buisness person being entrepreneurail beacause this is no where near an orignal idea beacuase this type of marketing has been done for years

2. the risk papa johns faces with this kind of promotion is waisting dollars on some part of the market that just doesnt care.

3. this is mass marketing beacuase they aired for millions of people if they were interested or not.

4.i think it is a good techinique beacuase alot more people are atleast aware about your product and most likely the market you usaully target saw it and millions of more people did too.

Josh Vandine said...

1. yes i think it is very entrepenurial because no company, no one has ever had a offer like this. no company has ever said that they will give everyone in america a free pizza.
2. the risks are that they would have to give everyone a free pizza if the supper bowl did go in overtime.
3. this is definately mass makreting. i say this because they are not promoting to just supper bowl fans but the whole united states.
4. i think that this is a great marketing technique because there has never been a supper bowl to go into overtime but the company would lose a lot of money if it did, but it would be a famous event that people remember.

Caveh Davari said...

1. This very entreprenurial because it is the business making a clever promotion that would attract customers.
2. Papa Johns potentially could lose a lot of money from giving out free large pizzas which is a risk.
3. This is mass marketing because it is available for everyone and it is advertised by the super bowl which is one of the largest sports events.
4. This is a good marketing technique because it is not even certain that they will even have to give out the pizzas. Also if the super bowl does go into overtime it promotes their website and most likely will influence customers to buy other things from Papa Johns when they order the pizza.

Patrick Cook said...

1. yes besause they are taking a financial risk.
2. if the super bowl went into over time they would have to give out a lot of free pizza.
3. mass markiting becasue they are using this promotion to anyone who watches the super bowl.
4. i think it is a good markiting tecneique becasue i f the suoer bowl did go into over time it is not liklye that people would only buy one pizza expecaily if they are getting it for free.

Morgan Wilson said...

1. Yes, because they are promoting their product and even though they are giving it out for free there is a good chance those people will come back and pay money for it
2. The risks involved are that if the people that recieve the pizza don't like it, they will not come back to purchase it and then Papa John's will have already wasted alot of money and materials on this promo.
3. I think it is both because it targets a specific group of people being the football fans watching the game, but also Americans as a whole.
4. I think it is a good, but risky technique because like I said it has potential for a large increase in sales and revenue, but if noone comes back to buy anymore pizza Papa John's already wasted the materials and money on this promotion

T.C. Cunningham said...

1. Yes I think this is an example of being entrepreneurial because it makes people want to sign up for their papa points deal.
2.The potential risks for Papa John's with this promotion is that the superbowl could have gone into overtime and if it had they would have had to give out a lot of free people.
3.This is an example of mass marketing because anyone can sign up for the free pizza.
4.I think this is a good marketing strategy because it gets people to want to sign up for Papa Points.

Dalton said...

1. Yes, because Papa Johns is doing something pretty wild and can get the attention of many football fans and just people that want free food.
2. The potential risks would be having to give away alot of free pizza. If you have to register online they would still be gaining customers.
3.Since the Super Bowl is watched by so many people, mass market.
4.I think its a good idea because alot of people watch the game and Papa Johns will get more recognition.

Sam Eaton said...

1. No, because its a large business already and its just a promotion to aid the nationwide branches.
2.Papa Johns could potentially lose alot of money if the game goes into overtime.
3. This promotion is an example of mass marketing because it deals with the whole nation, not a specific group, other then people who are fans of football.
4. I think this is a good marketing technique because of the publicity it gives.

Ryan Tittus said...

1. No, this is an example of promotion.
2. If the Super Bowl goes into overtime then they are going to lose a lot of money from paying for ingredients and distributing all of the pizzas.
3. Mass Marketing because it Papa John's is promoting to all of America.
4. Yes this is a good marketing strategy because it heavily promotes Papa John's pizza.

Camden Mckinstry said...

1: yes i do becasue a whole business is making advancements in how they make and sell their product
2: if they fail then they fail big time and a lot of people will see it and not want their product
3:mass marketing becasue they are airing it during the super bowl where hundreds of millions people watch
4: i think it is good because is is getting your name out to a lot of people.

Liam said...

1. Yes i do because a whole business is making advancements in how they make and sell their products
2. if they fail then they fail big time and a lot of people will see ita nd not want their product
3. mass marketing because they are airing it during the super bowl where hundreds of millions of people can watch it
4. i think it is good because it is getting your name out to a lot of people

melissa kaznowski said...

1) yes because a whole business is making advancements in how they make and sell products
2) if papa johns fails then they will look like complete failures and a lot of people will see them as that and not want to try their product
3) mass marketing because they are airing it during the super bowl where there are hundreds and millions of veiwers
4) i think it is a good marketing technique because it is getting the name out to many veiwers and potention customers

Matt Bailey said...

1. I think sort of because the person isn't really starting their own business as much as they are modifying it to become more popular.
2. That they'll make too much. People could hack the system and make fake points. They would lose mass amounts of money
3. They are technically trying to mass market to all of america but by making people use points its kind of like target marketing.
4. I think it is because people will most likely get the pizza and see how good it is.

Teja Mulpru said...

1. Yes he had the spirit to take a risk which is what an entrepreneur does and he took the risk and came out winnig.
2. If the superbowl went into overtime than all the people who had registered would have to get a free large 3 topping pizza which would result in massive losses for the franchise.
3. This is an example of target marketing because they were gearing this towards NFL fans who were likely to watch the super bowl to see if it went into over time. Because only a true NFL fan would be willing to sit through 90+ minutes of football to see if they qualify for a free large pizza.
4. This is a great marketing technique because it probably got the attentioin of a lot of people and reminded them that they could always order pizza from papa Johns. even if they had to give the pizza then it would result in a gain for the company because they would get great publicity and in the long run the future profits spike would cover up the losses suffered by the promotion.

Nathan Yonk said...

1.A little bit because the person is just modifying the buisness. The person isnt starting a buisness anyway.

2. They will make more than what is needed and could run out of supplies.

3. I mean i guess so because they are trying to get people to buy there product.

4. i think it is a good technique because it gets people wanting to buy there product more.

joshua Cortes said...

1) yes I think this is definetly an example of beng entreprenurial becuase of the high risk invovled with an offer as large as this one.

2) I think a potential risk would be an incredible loss of money in the papa johns company. If almost every American took advantage of this offer they would be giving out well over 200 million pizzas

3)This is an example of target marketing becuase not all americans watch the super bowl so most americans would not be aware of this offer

4) I dont think this is a good marketing technique becuas while it does get thier name out in the open and give them a better image it could lose them more money than they would gain

garrett taylor said...

1.yes because they are mass marketing their pizza by using the nfl super bowl
2.the potential risks are loss of money
3.mass marketing because its telling all of america that if the superbowl goes into overtime everyone gets free pizza
4.yes because their risking money to show that they just want customers to be happy and it would open up people to realizing how good their pizza is

Jesse Womble said...

1.) I think this is an example of a business being entrepreneurial because it is risking it's money to try to make a profit

2.) The potential riskes are that if the game goes into overtime and more people ask for free pizza than was expected then they might run out of pizza

3.)This is an example of mass marketing because the offer is for anyone

4.)I don't think this is a good marketing technique because it will increase awarness of Papa John's and will increase sales because people will usually want more than just one pizza

Amanda Walker said...

Amanda Walker
1. yes because Papa John's is trying to grow their business and to do so they risked their money
2.they won't make any money off those pizzas (less money to pay for the things needed to make the pizza)
3. mass marketing because you can market pizza to anybody
4.i think it is a good marketing technique because for the people to get the free pizza they would have to register for the online cutsomer loyalty program at least a day in advance so no matter what Papa John's would get potential new customers

Jeff Valdini said...

1.)I don't think so because the comapany is already a big company that has been around for a long period of time. Also, the pizza is for free.

2.)The potential risks include not making a profit if the games goes into overtime and running out of ingredients at a location with lots of customers.

3.)This is an example of target marketing because only the people who are interested and watching the Super Bowl will know about the promotion.

4.)I don't think this is a good marketing technique because if the game was to go into overtime, not only would they risk losing money, but customers would have to put in a lot of effort to get the pizza by going online and filling the thing out.

colton rossiter said...

1.) yes, because they are willing to take the risk of losing lots of money to promote their product.

2.) they may not be able to honor this promise. If they do they may go out of business or lose lots of money.

3.) target marketing because not everybody likes pizza and not everybody will take the time or remember to go online and do the customer loyalty program on their website.

4.) I don't think it is a good marketing technique because there is a large risk and little profit to be made. papa johns is already the nfl pizza so they will allready be making a lot of money. If the superbowl does go into overtime they may lose most of the extra profit.

Elizabeth Margagliotti said...

1.Yes, this business/person is willing to invest their time and money to run a business and promote their product.
2.The potential risks for Papa John's is losing money.
3.Target marketing because Papa John's is focusing on selling to people who like pizza and are watching the superbowl.
4.I think this is a good and bad technique. It is a good way to incease potential consumer and customer rates but bad because they will be losing money.

Ryan Sullivan said...

1. Yes because that is a huge risk for money and time. If they were to go into overtime they would have been out a lot of pizzas.
2. There are many risks with this. Not only will they be out a lot of pizzas but all the gas that will be used for the delevieres and time that will be needed to deleiver and make all of them.
3. This is an example of mass marketing. Because basically the whole world watches the super bowl and this is just another way to get your name out and noticed.
4. Personally i dont think this is a good marketing idea. Mostly everyone in the united states knows what and who papa johns is so giving away that many free pizzas really is only going to hurt you.

schomburg said...

1. yes because a whole business is making advertisments in how they make and sell the product.
2. They will loss alot of money because people get free pizza and alot of peopel watch the super bowl.
3.This is mass marketing because not all people like pizza and lots of people watch the super bowl for the commercials not the game.
4.Yes because they are still being consumers so thay might come back for more pizza on a later day.

Anthony Corrao said...

1) yes i think it is an example of a buisness/person being entreprenuerial because papa johns is trying to become a much better pizza company for what they are offering.
2) papa johns will lose a lot of money if the game does go to overtime.
3) in my opinion i think its target marketing because of how they are targeting the people who like thier pizza and the people who watch the super bowl.
4) i think its an okay technique because there is still a lot of risk, but it shows people that they are willing to share there pizza and let everyone try it.

Jacob Roberson said...

1. Yes this business is being Entrepreneurial, because they are offering this big pizza offer and are risking giving away free pizza to the whole country.
2. The potential risks for Papa John;s are that they might lose money from giving away all the pizza or they could eventually create more business from this and make money.
3. This is a promotion of mass marketing, because the free pizza is being offered to everyone in the U.S. All you have to do is register online.
4. I think this is a good marketing technique, because since Papa John's is such a successful company, that even if this fails they should still be in good shape, but they could still end up getting many new customers that had never tried their pizza. But even if the Super Bowl doesn't go into overtime, they will still have gotten more popularity from people going on their website.

Emily Gilarranz said...

1. Yes; because they are investing their money to be able to supply all these pizzas if they go into over time, which is a huge risk.
2. A huge problem is running out of materials to make the product, losing alot of money threw out the event, or having no one order any pizza in hopes of them going into ove time.
3. This is an example of mass marketing; over a million people watch the super bowl and having this deal ontop of all the comercials during the super bowl just makes the range grow bigger
4. I think this is a wonderful marketing technich cause its not offered all the time and its a one time chance.

Collin Hardee said...

1) I think this shows only a person being entrepreneurial. Miles Austin is being an entrepreneur by being a sponsor of Papa John's because he is bringing in business but Papa John's is just showing a form of promotion to increase business.
2) There is a few risks in this promotion. One risk could be Papa John's building all this hype up about the overtime and nothing happens. Another risk is if the game goes into overtime and everyone cashes in on the free pizza at the same time. That's a lot of money just to throw away.
3) It would be mass marketing because it targets everyone in America but target marketing because it targets people who were watching the game.
4) I think this is a good technique because it builds hype about Papa John's but I feel it was far too risky to actually go through with money wise.

Stephvon Jones said...

1. Yes, because it is a high risk of lossing money giving out free pizza during the Super Bowl.
2. The potential risks for4 Papa John's with the promotion is that they can lose money on the pizza's nthat they give out free during the Super Bowl. sence the Super Bowl is such a large event alot of free pizza's will be given out.
3. Target marketing, because there giving free pizza to people that live in North Texas and sre watchin the Super bowl.
4. It's not a good marketing technique because there lossing money on free pizza during a big event that everyone busy pizza.

Jake Berger said...

1. Yes because it was there own idea that no one else has offered to do before. It would satisfy customers who normally purchase papa johns and would also attract new customers who enjoyed there free pizza.

2. Giving free pizza to everyone in america is alot of money that is just going to waste which is a risk. This idea also has a lot of hype, it could leave many customers very dissapointed.

3. This is an example of mass marketing because papa johns is marketing this offer towards everyone in the country. They are also targeting people that like pizza

4. I think that it was a good marketing technique because giving these free pizzas away could lead to new potential customers. You are losing alot of money, but could lead to papa johns making a profit from the new customers who become frequent buyers.

Tino Weiss said...

1. Yes, I think that this an example of an entrepreneurial technique. This gives all people the chance to taste Papa John's pizza. Papa John's is taking a risk by having to give away thousands of free pizzas, but is also putting the company in a chance to get a huge profit.

2. The risk for Papa John's in this promotion is that they could lose a lot of money by having to give away thousands of free pizzas to customers.

3. This is an example of mass marketing. Papa John's is trying to get all people to taste their product. If these people taste their product, then it will help promote future business.

4. I think this is a good mass marketing technique. It gives Papa John's the chance to have all potential customers taste their pizza. If a majority of people like the pizza, it will help boost the company's profit in the future.

Adam Gitlin said...

1. Yes I think this is an example of being entrepreneurial because it has never been done before. The business is also taking a risk which is what entrepreneurs do.

2. The potential risks that Papa John's could have would be losing money on the offer or not having enough workers or money to even make the pizza.

3. This is an example of mass marketing because they are giving everyone in America free pizza and not just a small group of people.

4. I don't think this is the best marketing strategy but it could work if they had enough resources to make the pizza. There are too many risks in this strategy with only a slight chance of actually attracting customers to the business.