Sales prospecting is a key activity for most sales driven small businesses. Successful business must constantly replenish their customer base. Take the time to revisit your assumptions about sales prospecting...the results will surprise you.
For years, I dreaded the prospecting part of sales. The constant rejection was excruciating until I learned the myths toward sales prospecting.
The 5 Myths of Sales Prospecting
Myth #1: Prospecting is sales.This is the number one mistake made by small business owners and sales reps. Prospecting is a separate function from sales. Just as marketing is distinct from sales but closely linked.
Prospecting is simply discarding all the unqualified leads and retaining the "gold". The job of prospecting is to find qualified leads that may buy your product. Only after this process is complete, should the selling begin.
Myth #2: Prospecting is a numbers game.The old school of prospecting for business relies on contacting large numbers of cold contacts. However, quality supersedes quantity. You must find prospects that have a propensity and possible motive to buy your product or services.
I know of a large financial powerhouse, who provided sales reps with contact lists for mortgage and investments. The only problem was most prospects lived in a low income area and were highly unlikely to buy any financial product.
Myth #3: Scripts are for kids.
Many sales people insist on prospecting without any script. Scripting provides the framework of a successful prospecting campaign. It allows you to test what key benefits and qualifying questions work. The script must be personalized by the individual so the presentation does not sound "canned".
Myth #4: Prospecting takes time.Prospecting takes only a few minutes to determine if the lead wants your benefits and can afford your company's product or service. Don't waste time on people unmotivated or unable to buy. Remember to focus on the "gold".
Myth #5: Close them on the appointment.Far too many sales reps focus on setting the appointment. "Would Friday morning or afternoon, be better for you?" Next week only 20% of appointments show. What went wrong?
Prospects will sometimes find it easier to agree to an appointment rather than saying they are not interested. If a prospect is remotely interested, then offer a much subtler approach...send them an information package. This allows you to build interest and turn the lead from warm to hot.
Sales prospecting done right can have a huge impact on your sales revenue. It doesn't take an armor suit and great courage to deal with the fear of rejection during prospecting. Just keep an open mind to challenge the old school of sales and the myths of prospecting.
1. Explain how prospecting is different from selling.
2. If I asked you to find prospects who might purchase seasons tickets to the Carolina Panthers, tell me two places you might find?
3. The article suggests using a script(prewritten statement) when contacting prospects. Do you think this is a good idea? Why??
4. The article says, "Remember to Focus on Gold", what does that mean?
4. The article says, "Remember to Focus on Gold", what does that mean?
1. Prospecting is simply discarding all the unqualified leads and retaining the "gold". The job of prospecting is to find qualified leads that may buy your product. Only after this process is complete, should the selling begin
2. Sports Bars in Charlotte and previous ticket holders.
3. Yes, because you would want to make sure you get everything right since it’s possibly your one chance to make a new customer.
4. Your main focus is to get the people who will be purchasing your stuff and making you money.
1. Prospecting is finding who looks interested in your product
2. Sports bars or college football games
3.Yes so you dont studder or pause and you sound like you know what your talking about
4. To focus on what the cutomer wants to get the money
1. prospect is different from selling because in selling your just trying to sell to who ever is willing to buy. prospecting is discarding all the unqualified leads and sticking with the "gold."
2. Two places to find Ticket buyers fior the panthers are at sports bars and over the internet
3. yes this is a goo didea because it willl help you with what to say. Knowing what to say lets you get out teh information thats important with out extra details not needed
4. It means to always focus of the group of people that are willing to give you the money for what your doing.
1. Prospecting is leads that will protentially lead to a sell. While selling is the purchase that takes place.
2. Two places you might find them are at other sporting events, or at the bars watching the game.
3. It is a good idea becuase you know what to say ahead of time and the propect will think you are more organized and better prepared to make a sale.
4. To focus on selling the product and making the most money possible.
1. Explain how prospecting is different from selling.
Selling is trying make a transaction using money, prospecting is trying to find people to sell to.
2. If I asked you to find prospects who might purchase seasons tickets to the Carolina Panthers, tell me two places you might find?
1) At a sports bar
2) Bigger businesses that might want season tickets so they can use them.
3. The article suggests using a script(prewritten statement) when contacting prospects. Do you think this is a good idea? Why??
Yes, because you can make them kind of personal to the specific person, and it is a good way to get a lot of messages out fairly quickly.
1)Prospecting is finding out who will buy your product.
2)People who already buy season tickets to the panthers games and people who buy multiple tickets to different panthers games.
3)Yes this is a good idea because it helps you stay on point and get the information you want out.
4)Focus on the final piece dont waste time trying to motivate people and dont get discouraged.
1. Prospecting is different from sales because prospecting is simply discarding all the unqualified leads and retaining the gold. Finding leads that may buy your product.
2.Two places you might find them are in the city of Charrolate. Some other places could be advertizing at a sports store like Dicks sporting goods.
3.Yes and no. Yes because you have something that is good to say to the customer and something that potentailly will work. No because you need to be able to connect with the prospect and this might not let you do so.
4.This means to focus on the product and selling the product and making money. Never take your eyes off the prise.
1. Prospecting is simply discarding all the unqualified leads and retaining the "gold".
2. At a store selling related items and at a Panthers game.
3. yes, because scripting will help you plan out what questions to ask ahead of time.
4. focus on the people you are almost positive are interested.
1. Prospecting is finding customers and sales is selling to customers.
2. I would probably stay mostly with in the city with the stadium and i would go to the wealthier parts of north carolina
3. script is good for contacting prospects because you need to persuade your prospects to buy the product
4. "Remember to focus on the gold," focus on making as much money as possible.
1. Prosepecting is the job of finding leads that may qualify to buy your product. Selling is where you attempt and hopefully achieve making a sale.
2. A Carolina Panthers football game and a sports store near the statdium.
3.I think that a bases of what needs to be said is good to have but as for having a formal skript i think that would be a bad idea.
4.This means to rember to focus on your eventual sale.
1) Prospecting is simply the finding of potential customers, while selling is actually exchanging the product.
2) Prospects for a Carolina Panthers game could include men from the ages of 25-55, and may be found in sporting goods stores or at sporting events with their kids.
3) I think having some sort of basic script is a good idea, but it is important to not get tied down with it. The meeting should not be dictated by the script, instead only guided.
4) "Remember to focus on the gold" means to focus solely on those that are interested in purchasing a product, while eliminating those that are not.
1. Explain how prospecting is different from selling.
Prospecting is getting rid of all the unqualified leads and retaining the "gold". The job of prospecting is to find qualified leads that may buy your product. Only after this process is complete, should the selling begin
2. If I asked you to find prospects who might purchase seasons tickets to the Carolina Panthers, tell me two places you might find?
People who bought season tickets in the past, and people who bought multiple tickets for different games but not season tickets.
3. The article suggests using a script(prewritten statement) when contacting prospects. Do you think this is a good idea? Why??
Scripting provides the framework of a successful prospecting campaign. It allows you to test what key benefits and qualifying questions work. The script must be personalized by the individual so the presentation does not sound "canned". It is a great idea because it allows you to use what will work the best, you just have to be sure to personalize it so it doesn't sound so "scripty."
4. The article says, "Remember to Focus on Gold", what does that mean?
It means don't waste your time on people who are unmotivated or unable to buy, that you need to focus on making money.
1. Prospecting is different from selling because prospecting is finding customers and selling is having a customer buy product/service.
2. I could find prospects at a Panthers game, because they may need tickets for the entrance and at a high school because teens like sports.
3. Yes and no sometimes a script may make thinks a little more difficult with customers.
4. Don’t waste time on people unmotivated or unwilling to buy.
1. Prospecting is different from selling because prospecting is discarding all the unqualified leads. The job of prospecting is to find qualified leads that may buy your product. This begins before selling.
2. I might find prospects to buy carolina hurricanes tickets from prievious ticket holders, or other common sports fans in the triangle area.
3. I think this is a good idea for the same reson the article says, so the client does not sound canned and they seem individual. It can be customized and lets you see what questions work and dont work and that makes it useful.
4. I think that focus on the gold means to focus on the goal of making the sale. If the person doesnt seem interested then focus on the goal and move on.
1.Prospecting is trying to find potential customers while selling is atransaction that takes place.
2.Two places you might find prospect are at a Panthers game or at another sporting event.
3. Yes, so that you know what to say to a customer.
4. The gold is a metaphor for customers that you know will buy your product. Remember to go for those customers not prospects that are not very likely to buy.
1. Prospecting is simply discarding all the unqualified leads and retaining the "gold". The job of prospecting is to find qualified leads that may buy your product. Selling is the product your giving to your customer.
2. In carolina or at a Carolina game.
3. Yes, because it can state what kind of people their looking for and what they can do.
4. It means they need to make money and get customers to buy their products.
1.) Prospecting and selling are closely realated but not the same. Prospecting is finding quality people that may buy your product. Then after prospecting you should begin to sell.
2.)The city of Charlotte and bars and pubs around the stadium.
3.)Yes I think this is a good idea because you will know ahead of time what you are planning on saying and you can tailor scripts to certain people.
4.)It means not to spend your time prospecting people who are not interested or are not able to purchase your product. Focus on people who can and will.
1. Prospecting is finding someone to sell to.
2. A sports bar close to the stadium and neighborhoods close to the stadium.
3. Yes, it saves time and and and you can make small changes if you need.
4. Focus on trying to sell the product to people who will actually buy it.
1. Prospecting is different from selling because prospecting is seperating good and bad leads then you can begin selling.
2. Two places you might find prospects who might purchase season tickets to the carolina Panthers are at a Youth Football Game or at an Charlotte Bobcats game.
3. I think that using a script is a good idea because you will be more comfortable when talking to a prospect.
4. Remember to focus on gold means to focus on the prospects who are most likely to buy your product.
1. Explain how prospecting is different from selling.
-Prospecting is a seperate function from sales. It is discarding all unqualified leads and finding ones that may buy your product. This is the step before selling.
2. If I asked you to find prospects who might purchase seasons tickets to the Carolina Panthers, tell me two places you might find?
-Neighborhoods near Carolina Stadium and maybe a bar or club near it as well.
3. The article suggests using a script(prewritten statement) when contacting prospects. Do you think this is a good idea? Why??
-Yes, because the person can sound official in what they are saying and have less likely chance of messing up or saying something that could pull away from completing the sale.
4. The article says, "Remember to Focus on Gold", what does that mean?
-Focus on the people that will buy the product the most. Basically point out the people that will give the most bang for your buck.
1. Prospecting is different because it is to find qualified leads that will buy your products.
2.Local sporting events, sports bars
3. So that you know exactly what needs to be asks.
4.To focus on the people that are going to buy .
1. Prospecting is the act of talking to potential customers and narrowing them down to the ones who would purchase your product. Selling is the exchange of money for the product so prospecting helpes for selling but they are not the same.
2. One place you could find potential customers would be at the actual games of the panthers. If they are at the games then they can probably spend some money and they have an interest in the product. Another place would be at a popular bar area or a place were fans go to watch the games and hang out. If the fans are out watching the game then they like the team and they might be able to spend the money as well.
3. I do not think this is a good idea because no one likes a person to call and give them a prewritten script they want to feel like it is personalized for them.
4. It means you shouldn't spend your time focusing on all of the potential customers but instead focus on the customers that you know will enjoy and purchase the product.
1. Prosepcting involves looking for the appropriate people to sell a product to, while selling involves trying to persuade that given group the product.
2. If i were to find prospects for Carolina Panthers tickets the first place i would look would be sports bars local to Charlotte. Another place i would prospect would be at local high school football games.
3. I disagree with the use of a script when contacting prospects because scripts can often be very boring to listen to. If you want the audiences attention then using a script would most likely not be the way to go.
4. The "gold" in this article refers to the usefull information that you recieve from prospecting.
1.Prospecting is seeking out people who will both be interested in your product and have the finances to pay for it. Once you find these people then you can begin to sell.
2.I might look to find leads at a current Carolina Panthers game. The people attending a game now might want to buy season tickets for next year. I might also look into people who have season tickets to other sports because they might be likely to purchase these tickets as well.
3. Using a script can be good and bad. A script gives the framework like the article says but it can also come across very impersonal. If you hear a very generalized scripted introduction then you feel like a no one and that their asking everyone this same thing. The script needs to be personalized and changed up to make your lead feel special.
5.Focus on the Gold means to focus your efforts and attention on the people who are most intersted in the product and have the ability to pay for it. You shouldnt wast time trying to convince people who are clearly not interested.
1. Prospecting is simply discarding all the unqualified leads and retaining the "gold". The job of prospecting is to find qualified leads that may buy your product. Only after this process is complete, should the selling begin
2. In a local bar on the night of Panthers game or on a group on faceboko for carolina panthers fans.
3. No I would rather have the statement be personilized and not a standard statemnt people think are junk.
4. Means that you should keep you focus on making money and getting the gold.
1. Prospecting is simply discarding all the unqualified leads and retaining the "gold". The job of prospecting is to find qualified leads that may buy your product. Only after this process is complete, should the selling begin.
2. people who like the carolina panthers and people who like football.
3. Yes this is a good idea because the statement will make it easier for people to understand.
4.focus on the people who will actually become a customer for you.
1. Prospecting is the process of searching for potential buyers while selling actually involves the sale of a product to a buyer
2.Sports clubs, Baseball games
3.I think a script isn't a good idea because it may sound rehearsed to the buyer which would in turn offend them
4. I think it means focus on the buyers who are able to afford your product
1. Prospecting is finding a good lead to customers that will buy your product.
2. You might find a person for season tickets at a sports bar, super bowl party, or even someone who has purchased a ticket before.
3. A script can help in prospecting because it gives you a shell to work out of.
4. Remembering to focus on the gold means to remember to focus on those who are going to buy your product.
1. Prospecting is before selling, it is the process of determining if the individual or company is a suitable customer or if they can even be a customer.
2. People at a sports bar watching football, a carolina game inparticular. And at sporting goods stores, people who are buying or even just looking at football related imets.
3. No because after a while your just repeating yourself and it just becomes continious. I would change it up to keep it fresh every now and then.
4. I think this means to focus on the fortune. Like don't get caried away with the selling process on people who can't afford the product. Focus all your attention on good strong canidates.
1. prospecting is finding possible people to sell to selling is actually getting somebody to buy your product
2.people who live in the area and have some money or places where parents are trying to show their kid the game of football
3.yeah because if it is prewritten that means you have had time to think of and make a good response
4. to focus on the money and the big bucks not the little things cause that doesnt get you much
1. Prospecting is finding people to try to sell your product or service to and selling is the actual sale of that product or service.
2. people who have already purchased Panthers tickets, and people who live in a high income area
3. I do think using a script is a good idea because it prevents salespeople from getting nervous and talking too much or saying something inappropriate.
4. "Remember to Focus on Gold" means to not waste time on people who aren't interested.
1.Prospecting is simply discarding all the unqualified leads and retaining the "gold".
3.yes because then you knwo what to write always focus on the best way to make money
1.) Prospecting is for small businesses.
2.) You could find people in restaraunts or stores that watch NFL or you could find people in a sports bar watching on a TV
3.) Yes i do think that is a good idea because that gives you time to plan ahead and prepare.
4.) Remember to focus on the money.
1. prospecting is discarding all the unqualified leads and retaining the "gold"
2.People who live near the stadium or people who are shopping in a Carolina Panthers store.
3. yes it is helpful because it allows you to test what key benefits and qualifying questions work.
4. it means to focus on what is important and what is the most helpful. for example you dont need to focus on something that isnt going to have good benefits for yourself.
1. Prospecting is simply discarding all the unqualified leads and retaining the "gold". between the ages of 13 and 20 because thos are gthe people that like to go to those games. and you can find them in the internet and also at the door.
3. yes because it helps you keping track of evrything.
4.focus on money
1. Prospecting is finding potential customers while sales are what you actually get your customer to buy.
2. People who live in or around Charlotte, at a pop warner football field where there are lots of football players and their dads.
3. I think scripting is a good idea because it allows you to plan out what you are going to say before you have to say it so that you dont sound uneducated or nervous.
4. Because you dont want to waste your time trying to get someone who is completely uninterested to buy a product. Instead, take that time to educate your potential customers
1. Prospecting is leaving out some details in selling... however in selling, you give the information asked, demanded and what's necessary.
2. Sports bars, sporting events.
3. i don't believe (prewritten statements) are of valuable use, because situations change, and people are tricky; you have to adapt.
4. In my perspective, it means to focus only on what's important...or "The Big Picture" sort of way.
1.Prospecting is to find qualified leads that may buy your product.Selling comes after this process.
2.Wealthy and Prestigious people, and people who live in the area of Charlotte.
3. Yes, because using a script can help you as a salesman to get your thoughts together and not make a fool of yourself if you forget or say something wrong to your lead while trying to sell a product.
4. "Focus on the Gold" means that you are trying to sell your product to your customer, and by that you are helping out the business with getting customers to buy your products
1. Prospecting sales is for small businesses.
2. You could find people in sports bars watching NFL games or you could find people in sports stores who seem interested in the Carolina Panthers.
3. Yes this is a good idea because it can help customers answer the same question that you ask everyone else.
4. It means to focus on people that actually seem interested in what you are selling unlike the people that make it seem like your wasting their time.
1. The job of prospecting is to find qualified leads that may buy your product after this comes the selling.
2. You may find them at current hurricanes games as well as possible hurricanes shops.
3. If the script has worked for multiple customers than I would stick with it otherwise I feel a customer wants to feel like an individual so personal connections and conversations may work better.
4. The entire goal of prospecting is to gain customers to purchase your product so keep your mindset on that goal.
1. Prospecting is discarding all the uqualified leads and retaining the gold.
2. people who like the panther. or live close to the city
3. yes because then you wont forget to say somehing
1.prospecting is finding the qualified leads of the product and selling is giving it away. would go to the gas station or to the stadium itself.
3.yes because you could write down facts on the product so that you know whats what.
4.dont pay attention to the other people who want what you found.
1 prospecting is different from sales but is closely linked and is linked by to make your time worth while you through out all the unqualified leads.
2- carolina fans that live near the stadium and have bought tickets before, you could find this by peoples blogs and media posts
3 This is a good idea if everything goes as planned then a prospect can go from cold to hot so yes this is a good idea.
4 This means to focus on the product getting sold.
1. prospecting is different from selling.The job of prospecting is to find qualified leads that may buy your product. Only after this process is complete, should the selling begin
2.Carolina panthers top fans, blogs and news people
3.Yes i do think its a good idea becuase If a prospect is remotely interested, then offer a much subtler approach...send them an information package. This allows you to build interest and turn the lead from warm to hot. Also it might be alot eaiser
4. It means to focus on the customers that are going to pay and no the customers that might not be intrested
1. Prospecting is a separate function from sales. Just as marketing is distinct from sales but closely linked. Prospecting is simply discarding all the unqualified leads and retaining the "gold".
2. In the city of Charlotte, or to upper-class type people
3. Yes because it’s good to know exactly what you’re going to say so you can be consistent for everyone you call.
4. Remember to focus on the money and the people who will actually want to buy your product.
1. prospecting is different from selling.The job of prospecting is to find qualified leads that may buy your product. Only after this process is complete, should the selling begin
2.Carolina panthers top fans, blogs and news people
3.Yes i do think its a good idea becuase If a prospect is remotely interested, then offer a much subtler approach...send them an information package. This allows you to build interest and turn the lead from warm to hot. Also it might be alot eaiser
4. It means to focus on the customers that are going to pay and no the customers that might not be intrested
1. prospecting is different from selling.The job of prospecting is to find qualified leads that may buy your product. Only after this process is complete, should the selling begin
2.Carolina panthers top fans, blogs and news people
3.Yes i do think its a good idea becuase If a prospect is remotely interested, then offer a much subtler approach...send them an information package. This allows you to build interest and turn the lead from warm to hot. Also it might be alot eaiser
4. It means to focus on the customers that are going to pay and no the customers that might not be intrested
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