Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Art of Advertising

After watching the Old Spice commercial answer the questions below as comment posts:

1.What type of media is being use for this ad?

2. Do you think the ad is effective? Explain your answer either way.

3. What is the main selling message for this ad?

4. Who is the target audience for this ad. Be specific.


Jaime Weiss said...

1. Television media.
2. Yes i think this ad would be effective to more of the male gender. Because of the cheesyness of the commercial and the girl and showing them if they use old spice they will be pretty much awesome.
3.The main selling messsage for this ad is buy old spice.
4. The target audience for this ad is males probably teenage to young adult age.

Jake Lay said...

1. Electronic media is being used for this ad

2. Yes. It will grab your attention and it's funny so it will be effective

3. If you are a sucessful man, you use Old Spice.

4. The target audiencce is men trying to be sucessful and get ladies.

Tyler King said...

1. Electronic media is used for the ad.
2. Yes I think it is effective, it makes the veiwer intertested in the product and shows how nice the product is and what it can do for you.
3. That old spice can give you refreshing arm pits.
4. Men of all ethnicity and religion are the target audiance.

Will Eaton said...

Will Eaton

1. TV Advertising

2. Yes, the ad is humorous, and it makes people interested in the product.

3. Buying this deodorant will make you smell like the perfect man.

4. Men up to around 40 years old.

Alex Herbst said...

1) The type of media used is broadcasting media, with both TV and online media.
2) Yes, it makes me think I will get all the ladies if I get Old Spice.
3) If you wear Old Spice you will smell good so you should buy it.
4) Young adult men. From teenagers to about early 20's.

Taylor Adcox said...

1. Broadcast media is being used.
2. Yes. The ad is funny, so it catches the attention of possible customers and draws attention to the product.
3. If you want to be successful use Old Spice.
4. I think guys from teenagers to in their early 30s are the target.

Kyle Rackliffe said...

1. The type of media used is broadcasting media, with both TV and online media being available.
2. Yes, it makes me think I will get all the females if I put Old Spice on.
3. The main selling message is that if you use Old Spice you will not smell bad.
4. The target audience for this ad is for guys anywhere from 15-60 years of age that are trying to impress the ladies

Sydney Maxwell said...

1.What type of media is being use for this ad?

Broadcast media

2. Do you think the ad is effective? Explain your answer either way.

Yes, because it gets across the message of the deoderant.

3. What is the main selling message for this ad?

men who have the burdan of a handsome face use fresh old spice deoderant.

4. Who is the target audience for this ad. Be specific.

Handsome, striking men that need their arm pits to smell like fresh mountain sents.

Stuart Cook said...

Stuart Cook

1. TV advertising

2.Yes, because it gets the consumers attention with it being humorous and clever.

3. Buying this deoderant will make you the perfect man.

4. Men from mid 40s and younger.

Eric Brown said...

1. Broadcast media in the subcatagorey of television advertising.
2. No, I dont want my arm pits to freeze, and I still dont know what a matterhorn is.
3. It has a fresh smell and works greats.
4. Men that are old enough to need deodorant.

justin walczak said...

1. broadcast media

2. yes because its funny.

3. buy old spice

4. guys paritularyly younger

iCoN cHRisTen said...

1.Broadcast media is used, it is a commercial.

2.Yes because it clearly states the product and its qualities/uses. It also keeps the customer watching b/c it is slightly funny.

3.Buy old spice new line of deoderants.

4.Young men, from teenagers to about 40 years. (most likely)

kasey carter said...

1. Online/Broadcasting
2. No. I still don’t know if it smells good, or if I want a mountain in my armpit.
3. Buy old spice, smell like a man.
4. Men who want to smell like men and are manly men.

Will Booth said...

1. This ad used electronic media.

2. Yes because it is funny and it catches the viewers attention so they will want to get this product.

3. That if you use their product you will be a succesfull likeable attractive person.

4. The target audience is males between 16-30 years of age.

Zarrin Alam said...

1. This is a broadcast media.
2. Yes the ad is effective.
3. To buy Old Spice deoderant
4. The target audience are men that want to be seem more appealing to women.

michelle said...

1.This is a type of broadcast media.
2. Yes, this ad was effective because it showed how much better you or your man would smell after using the deodorant.
3. The main selling message was to get people to buy deodorant.
4. This ad is targeted for men who use deodorant. It could also be considered targeted to women who want their men to smell better.

Janay Moore said...

1) The type of media that was broadcasting.
2)Yes the ad was effective because it showed the customer what it would be like when you use old spice.
3)The main selling message for this ad is that by you using old spice you will receive the attention of the ladies.
4) The target audience for this ad is men both young adults as well as adults.

Eddie Mulholland said...

1. This commercial was brodcast media.
2. Yes beacuse because their target audience enjoys the humor in their commercials.
3.There trying to get people to buy the new matterhorn deodorant.
4. This ad is trying to appeal to highschool kids and adults at the same time.

arturo said...

1. online media
2. no because its not professinal
3.its trying to get people to buy old spice
4. everyone that has hair on their arms

Scott Chapman said...

1. Television Broadcast media is being used.
2. Yes i think it is, because they're target audience is younger males, and it's really funny and persuades you to believe its really good smelling and attracts girls.
3. Old spice is will make your armpits smell really good, and keep you from sweating.
4. Young males, under 30.

Matt Sawaia said...

the type of media being used is television.

I think the ad is effective because it makes it seem like you will be awesome if you wear thier deodorant.

3. They have the best smelling fragrences on the market.

4. Men that care about how they smell. Also men that are trying to attract women.

chandler said...

1.The media is that is being used in this ad is product media.
2.Yes because it advertises the product in a stylish way.
3. the selling message for this ad is if you use our product you will be smooth
4. the target audience is any guy from 15+

alex chinnis said...

1. comedy media. its being funny
2.yes it makes an imprint in your mind about old spice
3. buy old spice and youl get girls and be good at everything
4. men between ages 20 and 40

Alex Yang said...

1.) Comedy.
2.) Yes I think this commercial was effective because it leaves an imprint in your mind about old spice.
3.) Buy old spice deodorant.
4.) Young men.

Campbell O'Blenes said...

1) Electronic media

2) Depends on who is watching it, from my opinion no because it doesnt address any of the facts I care about when it comes to deodorant.

3) That if you wear the stick, you will smell like the freshness of a mountain and be a successful stud.

4) Men in their 20s-40s

Matt Herr said...

1. Broadcasting Media
2. Yes because they are trying to get you to use the Mountain Old Spice Deoterient.
3. To buy that specific type of deoterient.
4. We the customers are the target audience because they are just to get us to buy this special Old Spice deoterient.

garett said...

1. television
2. this ad is good but i think it could be better rid away b-o
4.the target audience is for guys from age 14-50

Christian said...

1. Broadcast media.

2. Yes I think it is, it gets the point across that you will smell good.

3. That if you use old spice you will smell good.

4. I would say athletes and the younger crowd.

Christy said...

1. Broadcast media.
2. I think this ad is less effective then it would like to be because the message is very clear about what they're selling.
3. The main selling message is to buy their fresh smelling deodorant.
4. the target audience is for grown working men who need stong deodorant.

emily said...

1. Comedy
2. I think the ad is effective because people will remember the commercial
3. The main selling message for the ad is saying that if you use this product then you will smell like a mountain......
4. The target audience for this ad is men from teens to adults

Amanda Duke said...

1. Broadcast Media
2. Maybe for some people but its just a little cheesy.
3. Old Spice will make you smell like the most successful mountain.
4. Probably men above the age of 20

BJ Racine said...

1. This ad is using brodcast media using television advertising. This a commercial from Old Spice.
2. This ad is effective because it shows you that with Old Spice you can smell the greatest and feel good about yourself.
3. The main message is if you buy Old Spice you will smell great, get what you want out of life, and feel good about yourself.

desmond thorpe said...


2.yes.because it makes you want to smell good but deodorent

4.people who dont want to be musty

Jamar McClain said...

3 old spice makes you smell good

Tommy Keller said...

1. Broadcast media
2. For the male gender, it would be very effective, but for girls, they probly dont want to smell like the matterhorn
3. That men can now smell super fresh and clean and be amazing if they wear the new old spice scent
4. Young Male Adults and adults, but most definately not women

Cristina D'Andreti said...

1. This is television advertising media, which is a broadcast media.

2. This ad was effective in the way that it caught my attention and was interesting to watch.

3. They are selling the freshness of the Old Spice for someone who is great at everything.

4.The target audience is men, ages 15 to 30.

Jenna Shouse said...

2.Yes, it catches your attention.
3.That Old Spice deodrant works the best.
4. Men the between the ages of 15 and 25

Brian Lundeen said...

1. Humor
2. yes, because i would by this product because it has a funny comercial
3. if your succesful, you use old spice
4. men that wish they were more succesful

Daxton Cuany said...

1. Television advertisment
2. Yes, it is different and catches your attention so it is attention
3. To buy Old Spice deoderant
4. I would say kids under age 18 and older than 12. It is humorous to this age group

Evan Flannery said...

1. An electronic media commercial is being used.
2. I think its effective because its funny and makes you want to pay attention.
3. That old spice will make you successful and powerful.
4. Young pouple that have a good sense of humor.

Jason Galatioto said...

1)This is electronic media
2)I believe this ad was effective because it is memorable and viewers might by their product just because they remember the commercial.
3)the main selling message is that if you wear old spice deoderant then you will be a cool guy.
4) this ad is targeting young men 13-30 years of age.