Friday, January 28, 2011

Spending and The Super Bowl

Read the press release below and answer the questions below as  comments.

For Immediate Release

Kathy Grannis (202) 783-7971

Super Bowl Equals Party Time, According to RAMA Survey

-Spending Expected to Reach $10.1 Billion-
Washington, January 25, 2011 – Football fans have had the date circled for months now, and with Super Bowl Sunday fast approaching, more people than ever will celebrate the big game. According to a new survey by the Retail Advertising and Marketing Association, conducted by BIGresearch, the average consumer is expected to spend $59.33 on game-related merchandise, apparel and snacks, up from $52.63 last year. Total Super Bowl spending is expected to reach $10.1 billion.*

Of the 171 million people who will watch the game, the most in the survey’s history, nearly 34.9 million (15.0%) are planning to throw their own party, up from last year’s 31.6 million, and another 61.2 million (26.3%) plan to attend a party, also up from the 58.8 million who said they would go to a party in 2010.

“Getting friends and family together for a party is a great way to watch the Super Bowl, and with all of the planning and preparation that goes into throwing a good party, retailers have cause for celebration too,” said Mike Gatti, Executive Director, RAMA. “Consumers hoping to wow their friends and family with a new HDTV should act fast as this is one of the most popular times of the year to buy new televisions.”

Further good news for retailers is that of those who plan on watching the game, at least 4.5 million (4.5%) will take advantage of retailers’ promotions and buy a new television, compared to the 3.6 million who said they would last year, and the 2.7 million who said they would in 2009.

Grocery, apparel, electronic, sporting goods and home furnishing stores can expect to see their share of Super Bowl related spending as sports fans head out to buy food and beverages (69.5%), team apparel or accessories (7.3%), decorations (6.0%), and furniture or a new entertainment center (2.0%).

Of the millions of people planning to tune in on February 6, nearly half (47.0%) say the game itself is the most important part. Over one-quarter (25.8%) watch for the commercials, 19.5 percent enjoy getting together with friends, and 7.7 percent say the half time performances are most important.

“With millions of people getting together to watch the game every year, advertisers plan and prepare meticulously for this annual opportunity to reach and engage viewers with bolder and more effective ways,” said Phil Rist, Executive Vice President, Strategic Initiatives, BIGresearch. “With over a quarter of viewers saying the commercials are the most important part, it’s clear the Super Bowl isn’t just about football.”

As for the entire game-watching experience, nearly three-quarters (74.9%) of viewers say they see the commercials as entertainment. Some viewers aren’t as keen though, with 17.0 percent saying advertisers should save their money and pass along savings to shoppers and 9.5 percent saying it makes the game last too long.

The survey found 17.4 percent admit the commercials make them aware of the advertisers’ brand. Another 7.7 percent say the commercials influence them to buy products from advertisers.

The survey also found that young adults are more likely to be influenced by commercials, with 15.4 percent of 18-24 year-old viewers agreeing that the commercials influence them to buy products from the advertisers. Among other age groups, the numbers drop, with 11.0 percent of 25-34 year-olds, 7.3 percent of 35-44 year-olds, 5.7 percent of 45-54 year-olds and a 5.5 percent of 55-64 year-olds saying they are influenced by the ads.

1. What is the total spending expected on the Super Bowl this year?

2. How many people are expected to watch the game?

3. How may people are expected to buy a new television?

4. Over half of the people planning on tuning in say the game itself is the most important part. What percentage watch for the commercials?

5. What group is most likely to be influenced by the commercials?

6. Are you planning on watching the Super Bowl? Do you watch it for the game or the commercials?


Jordan Dean said...

1. $10.1 billion
2. 171 million
3. 4.5 million
4. 25.8%
5. young adults 18-24 year olds
6. I am planning on watching the Super Bowl. I watch for both the game and the commercials.

Billy Summa said...

1. $10.1 Billion
2. 171 million people
3. 4.5 million people
4. 25.8% of people
5. Adults
6.Yes. Mostly for the game.

Grant Waters said...

1. 10.1 billion
2. 171 million
3. 4.5 million
4. 25.8%
5. young adults
6. yes, for the game

Unknown said...

1. What is the total spending expected on the Super Bowl this year?

$10.1 Billion

2. How many people are expected to watch the game?

171 Million

3. How may people are expected to buy a new television?

4.5 Million

4. Over half of the people planning on tuning in say the game itself is the most important part. What percentage watch for the commercials?


5. What group is most likely to be influenced by the commercials?

Young Adults

6. Are you planning on watching the Super Bowl? Do you watch it for the game or the commercials?

I may tune in, but I'd probably rather play guitar or something. I used to watch it for the game, but now I don't care for the teams and I can find the commercials online.

Jake Fredenburg said...

1. $10.1 Billion
2. 171 Million
3. 4.5 Million
4. 25.8%
5. Young Adults
6. I do. I watch for both.

Cam Haney said...

1. 10.1 Billion
2. 171 Million people
3. 4.5 Million people
4. 25.8%
5. Young Adults
6. Yes, for the game

Thomas Schmedding said...

1.Total Super Bowl spending is expected to reach $10.1 billion.

2. 171 million people will watch the game.

3. 4.5 million (4.5%) will take advantage of retailers’ promotions and buy a new television.

4. Over one-quarter (25.8%) watch for the commercials.

5. The survey also found that young adults are more likely to be influenced by commercials, with 15.4 percent of 18-24 year-old viewers agreeing that the commercials influence them to buy products from the advertisers.

6. I am definately planning on watching the Super Bowl. I mainly watch the game because I enjoy the exciting play calls that coaches have drawn up. I also watch the commercials, but they do not play as big of a part in my enjoyment of the game.

Taylor Welsh said...

1. $10.1 billion
2. 171 million people
3. 4.5 million
4. 25.8%
5. Advertisers
6. Yes I plan on watching the Super Bowl this year with a group of friends. The reason I am watching the Bowl game is to watch a good game of football, the commercials are just a nice addition to the game.

Marisa Warren said...

1. $10.1 billon
2. 171 millon people
3. 4.5 million
4. 74.9%
5. Young adults
6. Yes, and i watch it for both.

Mitch DeForest said...

1.Total Super Bowl spending is expected to reach $10.1 billion
2.171 million people
3.4.5 million people
4.Over one-quarter (25.8%) watch for the commercials
5.young adults
6.yes i am planning on watching. i watch for both the game and the comercials.

Patrick Cook said...

1. 10.1 billion
2. 171 million
3. 4.5 million
4. Over one-quarter (25.8%)
5. young adults
6. yes, for the game

Chad said...

1. $10.1 billion
2. 171 million people
3. 4.5 million people
4. 25.8% of people watching
5. Young adults
6. Yes. Im a Packers fan so for the game.

Dalton flowers said...

1. $10.1 billion
2.171 million people
3.4.5 million
4. 25.8%
5.young adults
6.Yes. I will watch for the game. Go Packers!

Demi Ogunnowo said...

1. Expected to reach 10.1 billon.
2. 171 Million people will watch the game.
3. 4.5 million are expected to buy a new television.
4. A fourth of the people say they will watch for commercials.
5. Advertisers are the most influence by the commercials.
6. Yes , I only watch for the commercials

Austin Gardener said...

1.10.1 Billion

2.171 Million

3. 4.5 Million

4. 25.8%

5. 18-24 year-old viewers

6. Yes I do plan on watching the game. I’m a big fan of football and think it will be a good game. To me, the commercials are just added effect of the games hype.

Nick Burke said...

1.they expect about 10.1 billion dollars this year for the super bowl.
2. 171 million people are expecred to be watching the super bowl this year
3.4.5 million people are planning to buy new t.v. this year
4. about 25.8 or a quarter are planing to watch the super bowl just for the commercaials
5.Manly thro a survay said that young adults are the most influnce buy comercails
6.i watch the super bowl for both the game and the comercial because i am a huge football fan

Jerrod Beresid said...

1. $10.1 billion
2. 171 million people will are expected to whach the game
3. 4.5 million people are expected to buy a new HDTV
4. 25.8% of people say they are going to whach the game just for the commercials
5. Surveys say that young adults are is the group of people that will be most influenced by commercials
6. I am expecting to whach the game. I whach the Super Bowl for the game itself, the commercials, and the parties that are held during the game.

Paige Reckert said...

1. What is the total spending expected on the Super Bowl this year?

Total Super Bowl spending is expected to reach $10.1 billion.

2. How many people are expected to watch the game?

171 million people

3. How may people are expected to buy a new television?

5 million

4. Over half of the people planning on tuning in say the game itself is the most important part. What percentage watch for the commercials?

Over one-quarter (25.8%) watch for the commercials

5. What group is most likely to be influenced by the commercials?

Young adults

6. Are you planning on watching the Super Bowl? Do you watch it for the game or the commercials?

I plan to watch the Super Bowl mainly for the game, but I enjoy the commercials too.

TC Cunningham said...

1. $10.1 billion
2. 171 million people
3. 4.5 million people
4. 25.8% of people
5. 18-24 year olds
6. yes I plan on watching the super bowl, I plan on watching the super bowl for the game but some of the comercials can be entertaining.

Keenan Cozzolino said...

1. What is the total spending expected on the Super Bowl this year?

$10.1 Billion

2. How many people are expected to watch the game?

171 Million

3. How may people are expected to buy a new television?

4.5 Million

4. Over half of the people planning on tuning in say the game itself is the most important part. What percentage watch for the commercials?


5. What group is most likely to be influenced by the commercials?

Young Adults

6. Are you planning on watching the Super Bowl? Do you watch it for the game or the commercials?

No, I don't care much for football anymore. I would watch it for the game.

Matt Felts said...

1:10.1 billion dollars
2:171 million people
3:4.5 million people
4:25.8% of people
5:Young Adults
6:I am planning on watching the Super Bowl. I am going to be watching it for the game and partially for the commercials.

Lauren Harris said...

1. Expected amount this year is to be around $10.1 billion.
2. Around 171 million people will watch this year's super bowl.
3. 4.5 million are planning on buying a new television.
4. A little over one-quarter watch for the commercials.
5. Yong adults are most influenced bu the commercials.
6. I do watch the super bowl! I love football. I think it was the greatest sport created. Oh, no, i do not watch it for commercials at all. I watch it to see the steelers kick some butt this year!!

Jacob Giaquinto said...

1. $10.1 billion

2. 171 million

3. 4.5 million

4. 25.8%

5. Young adults

6. Yes i am, and mostly the game.

Caveh Davari said...

1) 10.1 Billion Dollars
2) 171 people
3) 4.5 Million people
4) 25.8%
5) Young adults
6)I plan on watching the super bowl for the game.

Amanda Walker said...

1. $10.1 billion
2. 171 million
3. 4.5 million
4. 25.8%
5. 18-24 year olds
6. yes and for both the commercials and the game

Teja Mulpuri said...

1. 10.1 Billion Dollars
2. 171 Million people
3. 4.5 Million people
4. 25.8% Watch for commercials
5. Young adults 18-24
6. I will watch the super bowl and I watch it for the game.

Matthew Bailey said...

1. 10.1 Billion dollars
2. 171 million people
3. 4.5 million people
4. 25.8%
5. Young adults
6. Yes I do and I mainly watch it for the actual game but the commericals are usually good too.

Jesse Womble said...

1. 10.1 billion dollars
2.over 171 million people
3. 4.5 million
4. 25.8%
5. young adults
6. yes, for the game

Camden McKinstry said...

1: 10.1 Billion
2: 171 Million
3: 4.5 Million
4: 25.8 Percent for Commercials
5: The Consumers.
6: yes, and i watch for both.

Elizabeth Margagliotti said...

1. $10.1 billion
2. 171 million people
3. 4.5 million people
4. 25.8% watch for commercials
5. Young adults (18-24)
6. Yes, both

Mark Beacham said...

1. 10.1 billion dollars
2. 171 million
3. 4.5 million
4. 74.9%
5. Young adults
6. I do plan to watch the super bowl and I would like to see both commercials and the game.

Liam Serencsics said...

1. 10.1 billion
2. 171 million people will watch the game
3. 45 million people
4. 25.8
5. young adults
6. yes. the game

Adam Gitlin said...

1. $10.1 Billion
2. 171 million people
3. 4.5 million
4. 25.8%
5. Adults
6. Yes I am planning to watch the Super Bowl. I watch mainly for the game but I also like to watch the commercials(if they are funny).

melissa kaznowski said...

1. $10.1 billion
2. 171 million
3. 4.5 million
4. 25.8%
5. advertisers
6. yes and for the game

Camden Mckinstry said...

1: 10.1 Billion
2: 171 Million
3: 4.5 Million
4: 25.8 percent for commercials
5: the consumers who want to buy products
6: yes and i watch for the game and the commercials

Stephvon Jones said...

1.$10.1 Billion
2.171 million people
3.4.5 million
6.i plan on watching the game on my t.v. no party or anything. i watch the Super Boml for the commercials

Jacob Roberson said...

1. 10.1 billion dollars
2. 171 million people
3. 4.5 million people
4. 25.8% watch the game for the commercials
5. Young adults
6. I plan on watching part of the game and I watch it for the game and commercials.

Jake B. said...

1. 10.1 billion dollars
2. 171 million people
3. 4.5 million people
4. 25.8%
5. Young adults
6. Yes i am and i watch the super bowl for the game. The commercials are just part of watching the super bowl. Its always fun to watch the new super bowl commercials

Josh Cortes said...

1) 10.1 Billion

2) 171 Million

3) 4.5 Million (4.5%)

4) 28.8%

5) Young Adults

6) I am planning on watching the super bowl and I watch it for the game but I dont mind some of the commercials

Ryan Tittus said...

1. Expected to reach $10.1 Billion.
2. 171 million people.
3. 4.5 million.
4. 25.8%
5. Young adults (18-24 years old)
6. No, I have to work.

Tino Weiss said...

1. $10.1 Billion
2. 171 million
3. At least 4.5 million
4. 25.8% watch for the commercials
5. Young adults (18-24 years old)
6. I am planning on watching the Super Bowl. I watch both the game and commercials.

Kieran Poirier said...

1. $10.1 Billion Dollars
2. 171 million people
3. 4.5 million people
4. 25.8% watch the commercials
5. Adults are most likely to be influenced by the commercials.
6. This year I will watch it for the commericals. I watch it for the game when the Pats play.

justin schomburg said...

1. 1o.1 billion dollars
2.171 million people
3.4.5 million people
4.25.8 %
5. advertisement
6.yeas and both

Collin Hardee said...

Collin Hardee
1) Spending Expected to Reach $10.1 Billion
2) 171 million people
3) at least 4.5 million
4) one-quarter (25.8%) watch for the commercials
5) young adults are more likely to be influenced by commercials
6) I am planning on watching the Super Bowl. I plan on watching it for the game but I guess the commercials are pretty entertaining during the breaks

Nathan Yonk said...

1. 10.1 billion dollars
2. 171 million people
3. 4.5 million people
4. 25.8% people
5. young adults
6. Yes, I watch it mostly for the game but sometimes for the commercials.

Ryan Sullivan said...

1. The spending expectations are supposed to reach $10.1 billion.
2. 171 people are going to watch the game.
3. 4.5 million people are going to buy a new tv.
4. 47% watch for the game and 25.8% watch for te comertials.
5. 15.4 percent of 18-24 year-old viewers agreeing that the commercials influence them to buy products from the advertisers.
6. I'm planning on watching the game for the football, and the comercials.

Jeff Valdini said...

1.) Total spending on the Super Bowl this year is expected to be $10.1 billion.

2.)171 million people

3.)4.5 million people.

4.)25.8% of people watch the game for the commercials.

5.)Young Adults(ages 18-24 years old)

6,)Yes, I'm planning on watching the Super Bowl and plan on watching the game and commercials but the game is more important to me.

colton rossiter said...

colton rossiter

1. 10.1 billion

2. 171,000000



5. young adults

6. yes, the commercials. My team lost.

Ryan Davey said...

1. The spending for the super bowl is estimated at $10.1 billion.
2. It is expected that 171 million people are going to watch the super bowl this year.
3.4.5 million people are expected to buy a new television for the super bowl.
4.25.8% of viewers watch the super bowl for the commericals.
5. Ages 18-24 are more likely to be influenced by the commericals.
6. I plan on watching the super bowl for the game itself.

Josh Vandine said...

1. 10.1 Billion
2. 171 Million people
3. 4.5 Million people
4. 25.8%
5. Young Adults
6. Yes, i watch for the game

garrett taylor said...

1. 10.1 billion
2. 171 million
3. 4.5 million
4. 25.8% whatch for commercials
5.18-24 year olds
6. yes i planned on whatching it and i whach it mostly for the game the commercials are like entertainment