Monday, March 5, 2012

Using Questions to Overcome Objections to the Sale!!

Watch the video I show and then answer the questions below as comment posts.

1. What step of the sales process is the author talking about when he says, "the interview"?  Explain.

2. What happens when you ask customers open ended questions?  How does this help you?

3.What did the car salespersons do wrong when the author went to purchase a car but left empty handed?

4. If you have a successful interview/presentation with the customer why should it be easy to close the sale?


Jordyn Barham said...

1. The closing of the sale
2. Helps you get more information on what the customer wants
3. The sales person didnt ask them anything about what they wanted. Did a presentation that had no intrest to them.
4.Because you should know what the customer wants and know exctly what to show them.

John Crumpler said...

1)The interview is finding out what the customer is looking for.
2)It makes the customer explain what they are looking for and it helps so you know what you can sell the customer and gives you information on the customer
3)Did not ask why the person was trying to buy that particular car for.
4)It makes the customer feel comfortable with you and makes them think you are honest.

Austen Lah said...

1. What step of the sales process is the author talking about when he says, "the interview"? Explain.

he says ask question to the customers, to find out how to close the sale according to the customer

2. What happens when you ask customers open ended questions? How does this help you?

they have yo answer the questions that involes the customer more. they help give you a good idea of why they wanna buy.

3.What did the car salespersons do wrong when the author went to purchase a car but left empty handed?

he went right into a perseintation and didnt ask questions.

4. If you have a successful interview/presentation with the customer why should it be easy to close the sale?

they will like you, and thy will trust you, therefore they will be wiling to close the sale.

Colby Anderson said...

1. The approach, asking questions that will tell you how to present and how to close.

2. It will give you more clues on what kind of product and make/color the person wants.

3. He bored them and labeled them "tire kickers" and not real buyers.

4. You will have built a good relationshiop with the customer and they will want to buy from you.

Valery Calderon said...

1. The interview is the part where you talk to the customer and look casual. This is the time you ask open-ended questions.
2. When you ask open-ended questions you can recieve as much information as possible about the person or potential customer.
3. Rushed him and gave a huge presentation he was not interested in.
4. It will be easy because you have gotten to know the customer therefore you know how to close.

Josue Soto said...

1. The approach, asking questions and find more out about the customers needs and wants.
2.When you ask a customer open ended question, it gets them talking more so therefore you get more info and can better help them with their needs and wants.
3.He went straight into the presentation, he did not ask him any questions.
4. You have already developed a relationship and have helped them with thier needs and wants.

Austin Pisacane said...

1. the interview is reffering to the approach-the initial face to face contact. when you get to ask questions and determine needs
2. the customer gets a chance to answer objectives and tell you their needs. It helps you to learn more abvout teh customers needs and how to help them appropriately
3. The salesperson didnt talk to the author and find outhis needs and objectives. The sales person went straight to the presentation and tried to sell a car.
4. It should be easy to close to the sale if you do these things right because you now know what teh custoemr needs and what the customer is looking for. You can help thema nd make the sale.

Taylor Grant said...

1.)The interview is the step of the sales process where you should look casual and interested in your customers.
2.)When you ask open ended question you understand what the cutsomers need or are interested in. It help you narrow down their interests and pick the correct product for them.
3.)The salesperson did not ask open ended questions or any specific questions at all.
4.) It would be easy to close the sale because you already know what they are interestd in and know what they want.

Katie Wight said...

1.You take time before the sale to make sure you have a good presentation and ask the customer plenty of quesitons.
2.The customer goes in greater depth about the needs and wants concerning the product they are looking for. You can't answer this question with yes or no.
3.The salesperson went right into selling the product and the presentation of the product without asking the customer any questions.
4. Because you have asked questions and matched the customer with the product that best fits the needs of the customer.

Emily Roden said...

1. The author is refering to intial approach.

2. When you ask open ended questions it allows you to get the best answers to figure out what your cutomer really needs/wants.

3. The car salesperson just focused on the sales presentation and never asked way the customer wanted to buy the car.

Kayla Cunningham said...

1. What step of the sales process is the author talking about when he says, "the interview"? Explain.
He is talking about the approach and figuring out what the customer wants and is looking for.

2. What happens when you ask customers open ended questions? How does this help you?
It allows them to communicate to you and begin a conversation about what they want. Helps you to be a better saleperson and build a relationship making the customer more likely to buy.

3.What did the car salespersons do wrong when the author went to purchase a car but left empty handed?
He told them some presentation that did not interest them and let them know what they wanted to learn about.

4. If you have a successful interview/presentation with the customer why should it be easy to close the sale?
Because the customer likes you and is more interested in the product so the customer wants to make the purchase.

Nick Dorer said...

1. He is talking about the presentation and questioning the customer about what they need and want.
2. When you ask the customer open ended questions reveil the needs the customer has and other things that you need to know.
3. The salesperson jumped into the presentation with out asking questions or anything, without knowing anything about the customers.
4. If you do this then you will be able to make a lot easier close. This will happen because you will be able to find the product the customer really needs. A.K.A. the perfect product for the customer.

Brian Furtado said...

1.where you casually ask questions.
2. lets them answer with more than a yes or no a, and you can get better feedback.
3.the salesperson went stragiht into the presentation and not the other steps.
4. it wont be a hard choice and you already know a good amount of imormation about the customer.

Cooper Grissom said...

1) The "interview" is the step in the sales process that involves determining the customer's needs.
2) Asking open ended questions will allow the salesperson to get to know the customer better.
3) The used car salespersons did not ask any questions about what the customers wanted, but instead dove right into uninteresting presentations.
4) It will be easy to close the sale if there has been a successful interview/presentation because the customer is interested, and will want to buy.

James Stevens said...

1. When he sais the interview, he is talking about the presentation and questioning stage and learning the customer wants and needs

2. When you ask a customr an open ended question, it helps you by providing more information and getting to know them better.

3. He left empty handed because the sales person did not ask any questions and only just tried to present the product, not connect with the customer or help them on a personal level.

4.If you have a successful interview it should be easy to close the sale because they will be interested and confident to buy and confident with you. You will understand what they need and will be able to close the sale easily. You will have the so called "perfect product" for them, and the sale will close its self in a sence.

Alann Kragnes said...

1.)The interview is the step of the sales process where you should look casual and interested in the customers needs and wants. You should talk to them with open-ended questions and keep them interested.

2.)When you ask the customer open-ended questions it gives the customer the chance to give feedback and respond to the salesperson with more than one word answers.

3.)The salesperson did not ask any open ended questions or get the customer to respond back with what they wanted.

4.)It would be easy to close the sale because the customer will feel comfortable that the saleperson has established a diligent facts about the product.

Jay Hayne said...

1. When he is talking about the interview he is talkiing about determinning the customers needs. 2. It makes the customer tell you what they are looking for. This helps you make the presentation interesting for the customer.
3. The salesperson didn't ask the customer any questions and just did the sales presentation
4.A succesful interview/presentation will make it easy to close the sale the customer wants what you are selling and therefore the sale will close its self.

Preston Long said...

1.) The interview is the questions that a salesperson asks to close the sale

2.)When you ask open ended questions, you allow the customer to respond with the needs that they have and what they need to see to buy.

3.)The salesperson was not able to ask the customer any open ended questions and they went straight in to a presentation before they knew what they needed to present.

4.)If you know what the customer needs to learn, it should be easy to close the sale because they are learning what they need to know and they feel confident in what they are buying

Matt T said...

1. The interview is where you ask questions then the person presents the product.
2. Should reveal what you need to know to help sell them the product.
3. The salesperson went straighgt into the presentation without asking any questions.
4. Once you find out the customers needs and you meet that there is no reason you should not close the sale.

Zach Hayden said...

1. the presentation is the step in the sales process that the author is talking about when he says, "the interview."

2. when you ask open ended questions you can get detailed information about what teh customer wants. it helps you reveal what you need to know in order to sell.

3. the car salesman did not ask any questions about what he wanted but instead he stuck to his sales presentation and did not make it custom for the customer.

4. if you have a successful interview with the customer than you can offer them exactly what they want or need so they wont have a choice of whether or not to buy so it should be very easy for you.

Troy Athan said...

1. the interview is the time you take to ask questions to make a good presentation
2. so that you know exactly how to sell them the product sucessfully
3. the car salesperson went straight to the presentation without asking the customers questions.
4. because there is no reason for them not to buy the product

Brian Butler said...

1. The author uses the term interview to describe the "determining needs" part of the sales process.

2. By asking open ended questions, it enables you to zero down exactly what type of product and style the customer is looking for. this information helps the salesperson close the sale.

3. The car salesperson didn't ask the author any questions about what type of car they wanted and why they wanted it.

4. After a succesful interview with the customer, it is evident exactly what the customer needs. If the product you're selling meets those needs, then the sale will essentially close itself.

Danielle Cooper said...

1. The interview is like determining the customers needs. The open ended questions help the salesperson determin what the customer is really looking for.
2.Open ended questions gets the customer thinking about what they actually want. It also builds a relationship with the salesperson and helps the salesperson determine what they want so they can help them satisfy those needs.
3. Salesperson did not ask the author any questions, he just went directly into a presentation about things that didn't matter to the author. The salesperson had no idea what the author wanted or how to help him get it.
4.The salesperson should be relaxed and be intersested in what the customer is saying. They should try to get to know their customer and their needs so that they can show the appropriate products and then the customer has no reason not to buy the product.

Philip Boynton said...

1. Determining the customers wants and needs by asking questions.
2. When you ask them open ended questions you allow them to give you more information on what they want.
3. They gave them a presentation.
4. It should be easy because you know they already want to buy, so you don’t need to push or force anything.

Dan Nista said...

1. Trying to determine your needs.
2. Questions u cant answer with simple yes or no. It helps you because it lets you know how the customer feels and not just "Yes" or "No"
3. The salesperson went straight to the presentation first and not the other steps so the customer wasnt satisfied.
4. Becuase it wont be a hard choice for you to hire him/her and closing the sale shouldnt be a problem because you already know what they want.

Blake Balbirnie said...

1. This is when you ask questions that wil help you present your product and close the sale.

2. It helps you narrow down criteria and found out more about the customers.

3. They did not keep the customer entertain, he lost their interest.

4. Because they want the product and know everything that it can do for them, so if they truly want it, it should be easy to close.

Connor Shaw said...

1. The interview is the presenting the product stage becuase you are asking the customer questions about what they want in the product.

2. When you ask open ended question the customer cant answer in one word and it helps you know there needs and wants.

3. He did a bad presentaion in a car they dont even want.

4. It will be easy to close the sale becuase you will know what they customer wants and needs and you can pin-point the right product for that person.

Mitch Dershowitz said...

1. Casually ask quesitons that will tell you how to present and how to close
2. It will help you find out why they are interested in a product
3.The salesperson had failed to catch their interest in the product
4.Because the customer will be willing to buy at the end of the interview

Jacob Capps said...

1. this is where you causally ask questions that will keep people interested.
2. it keeps the customer interested, and they are more likely to buy the product
3. He didnt ask why they were buying the car he just went straight into a presentation.
4. thye will be interestede and they will want to buy the product

brett mcmillan said...

1.ask questions that tell you how to do a custome presentation and close
2. you can see if they are really interested in your product
3.he didnt ask him anything personal like why do you want to buy this car
4. because they already like you and what your selling all you have to do is work out a when to buy

Kaitlin Walker said...

1. This is where you casually ask questions to figure out what the customer is interested in. You should use open ended questions.
2. It makes the customer describe to you exactly what they want. It helps the sales person figure out exactly what the customer is interested in.
3. The salesperson made a presentation without even asking him what he was interested in. This bored the customer and did not help him so they left without purchasing anything.
4. You will have an easier time closing the sale because the customer will already have made up their mind about wanting to buy the product.

Zain Goheer said...

1. When you ask questions that will tell you how to present the product and close the sale
2. The customer has the chance to tell you what their looking for. This helps you because it will tell you what the customer is looking for and will help you find the best product for them.
3. He didn't ask the customers open ended questions so he couldn't figure out exactly what they wanted to buy.
4. You will know what the customer wants to buy and the customer will feel satisfied because you found the product to fit their needs exactly

taylor harrison said...

1. the approach
2. you learn more things about the person and what you should sell them.
3. he went straight to the presentation that didnt interst the customer and led them to not buy anything.
4. because then you know the person is interested and their probably gonna buy something

Kyle Brown said...

1. It is the foundation of the sale.(Presenting the product) It's how you open up with questions ex; open-ended questions, and interest.

2. You get more information and get to narrow the options and get a more specific idea of what the customer wants and what you/the salesperson can provide.

3. The salesperson(s) didn't seem to ask open-ended questions or questions that showed any base of helping customer interest.

4. It should be easy because you can find out what the customer wants & needs and what you can provide.

Megan Gleason said...

1. This is when you ask questions that will help you present your product and close the sale.
2. This helps with asking questions that just need a yes or no answer so you know what product to present.
3.The salesperson wasn't interested in selling his product and did a poor job of presenting the car.
4. Because if you get to know your customers closely, then its more likely that you will close the sale.

John Kanady said...

1.The author is talking about the greating and how you should ask open ended questions.
2. The customer gives you alot of information about them selves.
3. The sales person gave the customer a presentation that was of no interest to the customer.
4. If you have a good interview the customer wants to buy the car because you have shown the customer what they need is in the product.

malik cameron said...

1.The interview is presenting on what to do when a customer comes.Like how to approach them and if you ask them what they want you to sell them. helps because it gets you a lot of information and you will figure out what they want right away.
3.The man didnt have a presentation

4.It would be easy because you would already know what they want or need.

harrison hodge said...

The approach

2.your open ended question should help you sell the product like what do they like most about your product and stuff like that.

3. He went straight to the presentation that didnt interest the customer so he didnt buy anything

4. because if they liked your entire interview and liked you then there more likely to buy it.

Blake Norris said...

1. You want to ask open ended questions to see if the customers are really interested. These are types of question that you can't answer with yes or no.

2. Open ended questions reveal a lot of information about the customers. People like to talk about them selves and will tell you everything they are looking for.

3. The sales person talked about things that weren't related to the car.

4. If customers answer open ended questions they will tell you exactly what they want. At that point you are able to show them the needs that they want also develop a relationship with them. Give them a reason not to buy and the sale will close.

Hunter Davis said...

1. This is the foundation of the sales where you casually ask questions that will interest the customer and give you some information about the customers wants and needs.
2. These questions force the customer/s to answer with more than a yes or no and allow the customer to show what they truly feel about the products you are trying to sell.
3. The salesperson did not interest the customer and left them without having their true questions answered.
4. This should give you the information you truly need to close the sale and also allows you to better know your customer.

Taylor Davis said...

1. Determining needs

2. They have to explain their answers and you get a better idea of their needs and wants

3.He did not ask the author any questions and his sales presentation was uninteresting to the author

4. Because the customers needs or wants will be met

joelle deese said...

1.)Get to know your customer, what they like. you ask questions that will help you create a custom close. Gather information. you should use open ended questions so you can get more information about the customer.
2.)you get more information back. It should reveal a lot about the customer.
3.)He told the customer everything the car had but he never asked him what he wanted in a car. He didnt determine his customers needs.
4.) it should be east to close because you know more about the customer and what they want in a product so they know what they need as well.

jordan betts said...

1. ask questions that tell you how to do a custom presentation and close
2. you can see if they are really interested in your product
3. he didnt determine his needs
4. if you spend the time to get to know our customer you will be more succesful

Taylor Verdi said...

1. ask questions that tell you how to do a custom presentation and close.
2. you can see if they are really interested in what youre selling.
3.the salesperson never took the time to figure out the customers needs.
4. if you use more of your time to get to know the customer than you will become mroe succesful at closing the sale.

Matt Nance said...

1. the interview process is the procsess of asking questions to determine what the customers needs and wants are to determine the best way to complete the sale.

2. Asking customers open ended questions allows you to gain more information then you asked for, the customer will tell you and tell you what they want and how to satisify them.

3. The salesperson didnt answer the customer's need and wants so they didnt make the sale.

4. If you have a sucessful interview the customer will tell you what they want and how to satisfiy it and you will do it and make the sale and the profit.

Lev Fershteyn said...

1. I believe that the author is talking about the interoduction when he says "the interview".

2. When asking open ended questions, the customer can respond with more information, so you can figure out their needs.

3. The car salesman did not close the sale correctly, he may have pushed the sale too hard for example.

4. If your interview is successful then the deal will close itself. By the end of the interview, the customer should want to buy a product from the salesperson.