Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Ridiculous Ad Placement

Before our blog moves on from advertising to Endorsements and Sponsorship I thought we would have some fun with poor ad placement. Click the links and view the ads and the pages they are placed on. Answer the questions below as comment posts:

Grilling Your Kids?

Muslim Marriage Counseling?

Does Ad Make You Want to Fly??

Do you want to buy a car from a company that is losing money??

XBOX Anyone?

1. Explain your best guess as to how you think this happens. Think it through!!

2. Do you think this poor placement will adversely effect the message of the products for sale??

3. How do you think this problem can be fixed?? Think it Through.


Colby Anderson said...

1. Companies paid to have their ads placed with an article or story about what the ad went with and never noticed that it went with a bad article.

2. Yes, it makes it so you dont want to buy the product

3. That the companies in charge of the ads make sure that the ad is being placed in a good spot and carefully researches where to put it.

Philip Boynton said...

1. I think that this happened because they might have tried to pick a place to put the ad, and it was ironic what message was put under them.
2. Yes i think it will effect them. I think they will bring in less sales.
3. Not really, the only thing you could do is either take the ad down, or put it somewhere else.

Laura Wright said...

1. I think it happens because online ads can change due to what you click on, or like. Since the name of something is in the headline or copy of what you're reading, the ad changes to that subject.
2.I think this will adversely affect the message of the sale because the viewers will belive the ad to be faulse or wrong.
3. I think they could take down ads when something negative is happening on that website about their product, or choose better places to advertise.

Valery Calderon said...

1. This most likely happens when ads are meant to be funny or to distract the negative of both ads.

2. Yes, it could make a negative impact because the reputationi of the ad that was placed could be effected because of poor advertising.

3. This problem can and should be fixed by having a commitee organize and acknowlege where it places its ads.

Brian Furtado said...

1.they are already being paid to have their ad being promoted no matter what the article is about.
2.yes, because it gets people thinking and oberserving the ad more in detail.
3. it can be fixed by chosing which sites they decide to put their advertising on. on like a family site or facebook would be more benefitial.

John Crumpler said...

1)The internet looks for key words in what you search and trys to give ads that appeal to the search.

2)in some cases it might have a negative effect but most of the time people dont even look at internet ads that carefully.

3)It can be fixed but not attaching ads directly to personal or controversial topics.

Josue Soto said...

1.I think this happens because the ads are randomly placed on the page by these websites.
2.Possibly it can if bad news is on the article.
3.Editors need to review the pages they put out and which ads are going where.

Kayla Cunningham said...

1. Explain your best guess as to how you think this happens. Think it through!!
I think it happens because the internet finds key words in articles and places ads that fit those key words near those articles.

2. Do you think this poor placement will adversely effect the message of the products for sale??
Yes in some cases because you are biased about the negative information for the product/ad.

3. How do you think this problem can be fixed?? Think it Through.
It can be fixed by not searching for key words to place the ad near. Ads should instead just be placed on sites, where their target auidience would visit often.

Brian Butler said...

1. This type of ad misplacement is probably due to the lack of attention that these websites pay to their advertisements.

2. I do think that this ad placement will negatively effect the message because some of these such as the grilling ad are almost cruel.

3. I think a problem like this could be fixed by simply paying more attention to the ads that are being placed on certain websites.

Emily Roden said...

1. I think that this happens because the advertisers are already paid to appear on those pages regardless of what the articles are about.

2. I think that it will affect some of the ads sales like for the toyota and xbox ads; but in the other ads, like the grilling your kids, the ad placement doesnt affect those sales as much because there just certain instanes in which something bad happend.

3.I think this problem can be fixed before the ads come out. When the advertisers are meeting with the people who's website it is on the can pick out which ads they would like to appear with which articles that way things like this dont happen.

Austin Pisacane said...

1. I thinhk this happens because the ads are placed with something in common thats on teh page.
2. this is very poor placement and i tink that because where it is placed with the negative thing on the [page with it will effect the products sales in a negative way.
3. This problem can be fixed by picking out which ads should appear with the differnt articles and based on thecontent in teh article.

Matt T said...

1.The company already has a ad for that page before something bad about them came on.
2.Yes this will chang ethe way the people think of the product and if they want it.
3. Make sure to look at your ads before you put a article in that is part of that.

James Stevens said...

1.I think this happens on accident because of a company pays to have an ad on a website, they dont always know where it will be and it could accidently be placed randomly on a bad placement page.
2. I dont think this will negatively affect the message of the product because unless the article is about a company or product being bad, most everybody will be smart enough to know it is an accident.
3. I think this problem can be fixed through people that run the website make sure they know what ad is being placed where and if it is bad placement to go through and change the lay out.

austen lah said...

1.) i believe that this happens because of the ads that already have been put there. the ads where there first and the "breaking news" happens to go against the ad.

2.) i believe that the if the news is big enough that the ad will not matter, and wont get affected.

Nick D. said...

1.Well the company pays to have their ad on a webpage and it was just a coincidence that the ad came up at the same time as a story that related to the ad.
2.I think that in the toyota case it will because it is a bad review about toyota but the other ones are just a coincidence.
3. I think that it should be somewhere in the contract that they sign, that the companies ad will not be condicending other stories or make the ad look bad.

Cooper Grissom said...

1) The companies that purchase the rights to advertise on the site simply purchase x amount of ads. Sometimes these ads will correlate with stories that the website publishes.
2) This poor ad placement will definitely negatively affect the product's sales, since their ad is being refuted by poor publicity.
3) This problem can be fixed by the web designers not simply using a template with ads already glued in. Instead, if they take the time to arrange the page themselves, this can be avoided.

Jay Hayne said...

1. I think that this happens on accident when people are trying to find a place for an ad and the choose the first available spot.
2.I think that the poor placement will adversely effect the message of the product because it will discourage people from buying it.
3. I think this problem can be fixed by people taking more time and being more careful when placing ads.

Troy Athan said...

1. i think that the company who bought the ad just got a good deal for the spot and they thought that the ad related to the article in some cases but in most of them it doesnt make sense
2. i do think that it will effect the message because most people take it as offensive
3. i think this problem can be fixed the company reading the article before they say yes to putting an ad there

Preston Long said...

1.) I think that way this happens is that ad placeholders are bought, and then the company or webdite selling the ad does not pay attention to what ads are on what screen, and it looks bad for the company. This could also happen through an automatic ad placement program.

2.) I think they would effect them a little bit. I think some people dont even read the advertisements, and therefore it wouldn't matter. In some ways, they cancel each other out.

3.) I think this problem can be fixed by people proofing what page is about to be published before hitting send

Katie Wight said...

1. I think that the person that controls the advertisments for these companies was not paying attention to the specific locations of these ads.
2.Yes, i think that people will see the carelessness of these ads and see the company as unprofessional.
3.I think this problem can be fixed by haveing people monitoring when and where advertisements are placed for a company.

Danielle Cooper said...

1. Some ads are probably misplaced by accident. Maybe some companies think that it would be commical to put their ad on the same page, but in most cases the poor placement is not beneficial to the company with the ad.
2. In some ways the product can be adversly affected depending on the situation and how bad the misplacement is. The Toyota ad would adversly effect the message because their business is going to experience a loss. Other ads like the Xbox ad arn't as bad because it doesn't directly influence the view of the product.
3. There should be better proofing befor a page is published. The editor should be aware and pay attention to possible issues like these.

Zach Hayden said...

1. i think this happens because businesses just purchases spots on websites and they just forget about them. then when they put information about things on these websites sometimes they mesh together to be ironic.

2. no i do not think so because they are only getting more publicity. people are seeing these and laughing and then checking out these websites for these products and more people are getting exposed to what they are selling.

3. before someone publishes something online they should have a group of people look at what the final page online people see looks like. this way there will be no surprises like these.

Andrew M. said...

1.I think that the company just pays the website to put the ad on their website and the website just places it randomly.
2. For most of them yes, but not for all of them.
3. I dont know how it can be fixed, it would make it much harder to place ads on thier websites.

Taylor Grant said...

1.)My guess would be that is was just a misplaced ad. No one check the site. Businesses place their ads where they think people will see them and they dont think about this happening.
2.)Yes I think this would effect the ad sales badly because it is view negativly by the public, which is their market.
3.)No i dont think this problem can be fixed because for it to never happen the companys would have to stop put advertisments on websites and that would hurt their sales.

Alann Kragnes said...

1. Explain your best guess as to how you think this happens. Think it through!!
-I think that poor placement of ads happens because the people don't actually look at what is on the site but just post it places where a lot of people go and look.

2. Do you think this poor placement will adversely effect the message of the products for sale??
-Yes because it can make the company look like a joke and not for real.

3. How do you think this problem can be fixed?? Think it Through
The problem can be fixed just by looking at where to post the ad and what is on the page where the ad is posted.

Matt Nance said...

1. I think it happens becuase people in the adevertising companies and the company themslves don't get the right picture of what they want the ad to look like.

2. Yes It will not be placed in the area where the largest amount of the companies target market will see the ad, also if the headline and information is messed up they might ont read the ad.

3. The problem can be fixed by analizing the proof of the ad and makee sure everything is right along with making sure and testing the ad to see how people react to the ad you placed.

brett mcmillan said...

1. the ad is trying to get a point accross but the poor placement distracts you from it
2. yes cause when you see twix now you think of a little chinese baby smoking a cigarette
3. looking in to where you are placing your ads more carefully and make sure that it is a message that would be good for your customers to see

Lev Fershteyn said...

1. These ads are most likely showing up whenever somebody types in a keyword or an article with that keyword in it. Ads are now personalized, so on Facebook for example, if you look a page, you will see an ad of whatever that thing is.

2. I don't think it would hurt an advertisement, as people would read the news story and forget about it the next second.

3. I think somebody should verify the ads that are placed to certain articles, that way they know if they placed it in a bad spot.

taylor harrison said...

1. I dont think it happens for any reason i think its random.

2. yes because if a person is reading the news about something bad and then sees an advertisement for it below they wont want to buy it.

3. if someone monitered the placement of ads on the internet then the problem could be fixed

Jacob Capps said...

1. because people that are reading something about a certain product must be interested
2. yes it may make the reader not interested in the product
3. dont place ads in bdd spots

Connor Shaw said...

1. Some ads are placed in places where the article or website has something to do with what the ad is about.
2. Yes, it will effect the sales becuase people will see where that ad was and think that its crazy they would put an ad there.
3. It can be fixed by placing advertisments manually instead of electronically.

DeVante Daye said...

1. The company isnt looking at where there ads will appear

2. I dont think it will have to big of an effect on the product

3. Companys knowing where there ads will be placed

edgar.p said...

1. because they dont care.or their just crazy
3.yes by having a filter seeing whats going in the page and see what they can put to advertice

Zain Goheer said...

1. The advertising company probably put it on a page where they thought the target market would look and ended up on a page that has something to do with the ad
2. Yes because their right next to each other and most people will probably see the ad and whatever else when they look at the page
3. The advertising company can look at the webpages that the ads are on and make sure the ad is placed good so it wouldnt happen

Joelle Deese said...

1) These ads are placed bad because they dont stick out and catch your eye. Also the xbox add is about how people went to jail over xbox. who would want to get one after seeing that.
2)yes i think poor placement has a lot to do with the message because it wont have the same effect it might have if it were in a different spot.
3)i think this problem could be fixed by putting the ad in a different spot or even on a different spot instead of in a place where someones mood might change to a negative one.

hodge said...

1. I think that ads come up when they see specific words and thats how these things happened.
2. Yes people will easilly think thats its a joke or something.
3. I think that ads should be placed on specific pages and checked.

Taylor Verdi said...

1.they think that the ad will get their point across but its not its just poor placement.
2.yes this will affect the message because people dont agree with these ads.
3. this problem can be fixed by not putting your ads on articles that people dont agree with.

Delaney Boulo said...

1. Well I have noticed that when I view a website alot of times if I change the page and then come back the advertisment will change. I think that the advertiser pays for the ad to view on a certain website and then the website randomly puts them on pages that switch in between ads. So putting those ad in those places we not done on purpose.
2. Yes I do not think that people will want to buy something or invest ine somthing if they just saw a negative ad about that product.
3.I think that advertisers could setup a strict contract with the websites entailing that the wesite do not put the ads up when news stories next to the ad have something to do with the ad.

Blake Balbirnie said...

1. The advertising agencies try and put the ads on page with very similar information or content. So if there is a page about a recall on Goodyear tires there is a chance that the ad will be place on that page, it just happened to be a negative story of the company being advertised.

2. Not really,I don't think the poor placement of an ad will negatively affect the company in any way, the ad will still be doing what it is designed to get the name out.

3. I think they could avoid puting the ads on pages that contain that actual companies name and put the ads on more of the competitors sites and pages.

Taylor Davis said...

1. I think this happens because the advertisers cannot predict what will be in the news. They purcase ad space not knowing what the news headlines will be.

2. I do believe poor placement can effect the message of the products for sale.

3. I do not think this problem can be fixed I believe it is just the luck of the draw.

Kierstyn Drum said...

1. I think it's key words that make certain ads come up. Like the grilling, xbox, muslims, flying, and the truck one all had something in common with the poor placement ads.
2. I think the misplaced ads could effect the message of the products, just like in the Continental ad, it said that the plane went down, but yet they were trying to sell you plane tickets.
3. I don't think it can be fixed because the ads are scrolled through at random.

Yamen Damreh said...

1. I think that, that happened because people were being careless and not thinking hard enough.
2. Yes I do think that this message effects the message of the products for sale because people then start to think twice about buying whatever it is.
3. I dont think that this problem can be fixed because there is too many wrongs to make a right.

Malik said...

1.I think this stuff happens because people have no lives.
2.Yes because you shouldnt have no baby smoking.
3.It can be fixed by people having since.

Megan Gleason said...

1. That even though those incidents happened, those companies either didn't know that those things happened and had already put those ads there before.
2. Probably not because yes those were connected with the story, but it doesn't mean that customers can't buy the product and think, "since that story had this product in it, i shouldn't buy that product"
3.Maybe organize it to where it doesn't coinside with the article

Kyle Brown said...

1. Obviously it is poor ad placement, it doesn't get any worse than that. But I believe "links" and "key words" of the search tool are the result of unrelated pop-ups & sponsors.

2. Yes I believe it will affect it because (for example; the baby being 'cremated') ads of Learning How to Grill are located, and it sends a wrong publicity message.

3. I feel this problem can be fixed by either narrowing a search tool, and having to be more specific. Or in other terms, have a website regulate what ads/sponsors they utilize.

tanya REILLY said...

1. They happen because the advertiser miss placed the ad or placed the add their last minute.

2.Yes it think it might drop the sales a little bit so they should be more carful where they place thier ads

3.I think the problem can be fixed by the people making them spending a little more time to make sure that the add is not missplaced

John Kanady said...

1. This happened because the advertiser changed things last minute or didn’t care about where the ads were placed.
2. This miss placement may cause a slight drop in sales but nothing tremendous.
3. This problem can be fixed by placing the ad on a better web site or during a better time period.

Blake NORRRIS said...

1. I think ads are just random pop ups.

2. Poor placement could be bad because it might get readers distracted from what they came to read.

3. I think ads should be placed away from headlines so they cannot distract the readers.

Hunter said...

1. The people who are placing the advertisements are not paying enough attention to where their ads are being placed. Also the articles could change.
2. Yes the poor placement could send a negative message to not only the people reading the articles but also the people just browsing the site.
3. More attention could be paid to advertisement placement as well as the ad should be placed on an article not on a page.

Kaitlin Walker said...

1. This probably happens because computers have things that study what each online user visits the most so it can taylor the advertisements to things the browser may be interested in.
2. Yes because each article is saying something thats bad or wrong with it so people are going to read that and want to avoid the product.
3. This could be fixed by making sure these ads dont get put right next to articles that are bad mouthing the product.

Dershowitz said...

1. This happens when ads are meant to be hilarious to distract the negative effects.

2. Yes, it could make a negative impact because of how people react to the ad
3. This problem can and should be fixed by having the ads be properly regulated by the government to be placed correctly